Double Date

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I wake up.

As I get up, I feel soar all over the place.

V hugs me back down.

Y/N:" Get up, you lazy sloth."

V:" I'm not a sloth!!"

He pulls me all the way back down.

Y/N;" Yah! We're going to be late for school."

V:" I just want to be with you though."

He pouts.

Agh!! His face is extremely adorable and too cute to resist!!

Y/N:" Ok, fine. We can have a date tomorrow. It's Saturday tomorrow anyways."

V:" YAY!!"

He hugs me tight.

Y/N:" Get off of me!! We're going to be late for school!!"

We get ready, and leave for school. Jennie comes by as always.

Jennie:" Any plans for the two of you??"

Y/N:" We're having a date tomorrow."

Jennie gives me and V a thumbs up.

Jennie:" Good luck."

Y/N:" Why?"

Jennie blushes.

Jennie:" and J-Hope.......we're dating."

Y/N:" We could have a double date then."

Jennie:" Good idea."

(At Lunch)

Jennie comes over to our table. I give her a spot to sit.

Y/N:" Yo, J-Hope."

J-Hope:" Yes??"

Y/N:" Do you want to double date with V and I??"

J-Hope blushes, a light pink coming to his cheeks.

J-Hope:" S-sure."

I smile.

Y/N:" Alright then."


I put on a cute outfit to wear. I put on my shoes and wait until V is done. He gets out of the room.

(Ignore the backround)


V:" Ready?"

I nod.

We walk to Jennie's house and wait. J-Hope and Jennie come out of the house.

This is what J-Hope whore.

This is what J-Hope whore

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Jennie:" Were ready!!"

Y/N:" Ok. J-Hope, is it ok if we go in your car?"

J-Hope nods.

We drive off to a restaurant. We order our food. We talk while waiting.

Jennie hands me a little box.

Y/N:" What's this?"

Jennie:" Open up the box first."

She smiles.

I open it.

It was a necklace.
It said " Forever Young as Friends".

I hug her.

Y/N:" Thank you."

Jennie:" Your welcome."

Our orders were set on the table by a man.

Man:" Hello. I'm Mr.Jeon. Call me over to the table if you need anything."

He bows and walks away.

V:" That was Jungkook's dad."

Y/N:" Really??"

V nods.

V:" Y/N, there's something I need to tell you....."

Y/N:" What??"

He opens his mouth.

Hallo!! Sorry if it was boring. See you in the next chapter!!

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now