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At the end of the day I decide to go out with my most trusted and closest friend- Park Jimin. We
knew each other since 3rd grade to here and into the future. I meet Jimin at a cafe.
Jimin:" HEY!! How my little mochi doin?"
Y/N:" Unfortunately, NOT so great. I bumped into this guy named Kim Taehyung and-"
Jimin:" Hey he's my friend!"
Y/N:" He's your friend?!"
Jimin nods.
All of a sudden, I feel like as if I should make myself prettier and hotter, like as if someone's urging me to do it.
Y/N:" Jimin I gotta go I'll see you around?"
Jimin:" Yep. Bye." I go to the salon and ask for a pedicure and for them to dye my hair grey, white, and black. When they're done I buy really stylish clothes and jewlery and start to get my ears pierced too. By the end of the day I look at the mirror and see a shocked person in the mirror who looks like nothing from before.

A/N: YO WASSA!! I know my chapters are really short but please enjoy!! Fighting!!✌👌👍👊

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now