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Y/N:" Hey guys!! Look who's back!!"

They all turn this way. Their eyes widen.

Jungkook:" Yoongi!!"

He runs over and hugs him tight.

Jungkook:" Never leave like that again!!"

Suga:" Hmph. I won't. I promise."

RM:" So, how did Y/N find you?"

Suga:" Well, I came here to draw the sunset of the beach when the sun sets, so I grabbed my art stuff and came over here. Y/N accidentally bumped into me, so she picked up my stuff. Our eyes met, and she begged me to stay."

J-Hope:" Did you approve?"

Suga gives a are-you-that-dumb look. All of us laugh.

J-Hope:" Hey! It isn't a that funny, is it?"

We stop laughing.

Jin:" Okay guys!! Let's eat real quick, then we have a surprise."

All the members nod. Suga and I give a confused look.

Jimin:" You'll see."

We quickly ate, noticing that it's almost dark. As soon as it gets dark, we stop eating, and put everything away.

Jin and V go somewhere.

Y/N:" Jungkook?"

Jungkook turns to me.

Jungkook:" Hmm?"

Y/N:" Where did V and Jin go?"

Jungkook smiles, his bunny teeth showing.

How cute. He reminds me of a black bunny rabbit.

Jungkook:" You'll know soon enough."

Y/N:" Ok. Thanks."

He nods.

I sit by Suga, who sat down on the sand.

Y/N:" Suga?"

He looks at me.

Suga:" What?"

I hesitate, thinking of what to say.

Y/N:" How long have you had......a crush......on me?"

Suga's cheeks turn a slight pink, but fade away. He laughs.

Suga:" You know how long?"

I shake my head.

Suga:" Ever since middle school."

My eyes widen by what he said.

Ever since middles school?

Yoongi looks back at the sea.

We here someone yelling, signaling us.


We run over there. V and Jin set up something.

V:" Now, let's all lay down on the grass and look at the night sky when Jin says 'now'."

Jin:" Do it....... now!!"

We quickly find a spot and lay down. We all lay next to each other. Jin quickly lays down next to us. We watch.

Fireworks. So beautiful......


I turn my face towards her face. She looked so happy. I wanted to save this moment forever. She looks at me, and smiles.

Y/N:" Did you plan this?"

I smile back.

V:" Yes."

We kiss shortly. Then, we look back at the fireworks.

Y/N;" Why did you do this?"

V:" Just watch."

As I watched, it spelled.

I love you, and always will, Y/N.

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now