I Love You

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V:" I.....I"

He paused for a moment.

V:" I l-love......dammit V say it.....I-I love......"

My heart sinks for some reason.

Y/N:" Do you.....not love me??"

V:" No!! I love you with all my heart......is just that.....I can't say it for some reason...."

I smile sadly.

Y/N:" It's alright Tae........."

He looks up at me.


DAMMIT!! Why couldn't I say it??

It was like as if my words are getting clogged up somehow.

That was also the first time I heard her say my nickname.


Y/N:" We'll get going V...."

V:" No!! Wait!"

Y/N:" It's fine V. Really."

She smiles sadly. My heart shatters to pieces.

No. Everything is calling apart. This can't be happening. Let this be a dream. Make me wake up.

We get into the car, and drive home.

When I get to Y/N's house I follow her.

V:" Please Y/N. Don't-"

She cuts me off.

Y/N:" I'm fine Tae. I'll be alright."

She closes the door.

I go back to J-Hope's car.

J-Hope:" Soooooooooo.........."

V:" Hyung, I need help."

J-Hope:" Yeah? What is it?"

V:" We need to kidnap Y/N."

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now