Home Alone

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We get to Y/N's house. I see her on the couch. My face was concerned.

Jennie:" I'll stay with her for now."

V:" Could I help?"
I blurt out.

What the hell was I saying?!

Jennie nods.

Jimin:" I'll get back to school."

Jimin leaves and closes the door.

We stand there in awkward silence.

V:" J-Jennie??"

Jennie:" Yeah??"

I feel nervous of what I was about to say.

V:" C-can y-you give Y/N this?"

I take out the bracelet. Jennie gasps.

Jennie:" Do you love......."

V:" Yes. I.........love Y/N......."

Jennie:" Should I-"

V:" NO!! Don't!! Please keep it a secret.........."

Jennie nods.

Jennie:" I'll keep your secret."
She whispers.

We here Y/N stur on the couch. She sleep talks.

Y/N:" Please don't........please don't leave me...............Dad..........Mom......"

We look at her. She starts to sweat.

Jennie looks for soup in the pantry.

Jennie:" Dammit....no soup. V, could you watch Y/N for me while I go to the store and get some cans of soup?"

V:" O-ok..."

She leaves me with Y/N.
Home alone.

Get it together!!! You are NOT
going to be making mischief!!

I look at Y/N. She was sleeping fitfully on the couch, tossing and turning. I go to her. She was so cute.

I get closer to her.
She looked so cute sleeping like that.

Suddenly, she puts her haand on the back of my neck. I freeze. She smashes her lips on to mine. She pulls me in closer to deepen the kiss. I moan.

I kiss her back, not caring if she was awake or not. We kissed passionately, but hungrily. Our tongue's intwined, leaving us in pleasure. I moan when our tongue's intwined, wanting to save this moment forever. I pull back.

V:" I love you, Y/N."

She opens her eyes.

Y/N:" T-Taehyung??"

Hallo, my peeps!! YAS!! Just got out of a dreadful day at school!! See you in the next chapter!!!

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now