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I wake up.


I start to have a huge headache. I rub my head and my eyes, yawning.

I look down.

Hickeys!! What the fuck?!?!?!?

I suddenly remember what happened yesterday at the club.

Oh God.

I quickly put on clothes, making sure they cover up the hickeys, and run to Jimin's house. I see him get out of the door. I run to him.

Y/n:" YAH!!JIMIN!!!"
I yell.

He jumps from me yelling while running towards him.

Jimin:" DAMN Y/N!! You fucking scared the shit out of me!!"

Y/N:" I need to tell you something."

Jimin:" Yeah?"

Y/N:" So...about Taehyung...has he.......dated anyone before?"

Jimin:" No. In fact, he hasn't even been to a date before."

I sigh a relief.

Jimin:" But he does have.......well, how can I say this.............he is a playboy, so I guess he has like, sex with women?"

I look at him in the eye.

Y/N:" Really??"

For a moment, I feel like as if I should cry. Tears sprang into my eyes. I blinked, trying to hide the tears. Jimin thinks for a while.

Jimin:" Hmm. Actually no, not that I've heard of. BUT JUST SO YOU KNOW I DONT KNOW WHY IM SAYING THIS TO YOU BUT........HE WATCHES P-O-R-N........."

What the actual fuck?!?!?!

Y/N:" WHAT......."

Jimin:" Yeah........he watches porn a lot.............I don't know why, but.......he just does..."

I feel dread about going to school. Just seeing Taehyung makes me shudder.

Jimin:" C'mon Y/N! We can't be late for school!!"

I snap back into reality.

Y/N:" Right."

We walk to school.

(At school)
I get to my locker. As I get my stuff, I hear someone approach me. I obviously knew who it was.

Kim Teahyung.

V:" Hey."

Y/N:" H-hey..."

I start to feel light pink get into my cheeks.

Y/N!! Snap out of it!! Quit daydreaming!!

I snap back into reality.

V:" So......you want to......(*smirk) you know.."

Holy shiteu. I knew what he meant just by saying those words.

Y/N:" Uhh......I got to go......see you!!"

I try to run. He grabs my wrist.

V:" No!! Please don't go yet......"

His deep voice makes me turn towards him. I look at him in the eyes. I sink into them.

I start to feel my headache come back to me. It feels worse.

I drop my things. They crash to the floor. I grab my head with my hands. I fall to the ground.

V kneels down to me.

V:" Y/N!!! Are you alright?!?!?!"

Y/N:" I-it's alright...V..... I'll be ok. Just let me...."

I try to stand up. I fall again.

V:" I'll tell Jimin to take you home."

He grabs me in bridal style.
Jennie gasps at the situation. She runs over and puts her hand on my head.

Jennie:" Oh my gosh Y/N!! You're burning with fever!!"

I open my eyes a little. It's all a blur. It turns black.


She falls asleep in my arms. Jimin comes over by Jennie.

Jimin:" What the hell?!?!?! What happened?!?!?!"

Jennie:" She's burning with fever!!"

Jimin:" We should take her home."

We all nod. I look down at my pocket.

It was a bracelet for Y/N. I was going to give it to her.....but...

We get in Jimin's car. I get in the back seat with Y/N. She looked so pale. I put hand on her cheek.

I love you......

Hello my lovelies!! I just wrote this at school😂😂 see you in the next chapter!!💜✌✌

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now