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The three of them waited in the lobby a little longer.  None of them spoke until the elevator doors opened.  Aomine and Momoi walked out, Kuroko was the first to greet them, "Aomine-san, Momoi-san, it's a pleasure to see you."

Momoi smiled and ran up to hug Kuroko.  Both Kagami and Kise gave each other confused looks.  Kise stood up, walking over to join them, a huge grin on his face.  "Ah Aominecchi, it's so nice to meet you.  I'm Kise, I'll be taking the photos today!"

Aomine's eyes widened at the nickname from Kise, but didn't say anything about it.  He said with a slight scowl on his face, "Pleasure to meet you."

Kagami watched the whole thing.  This was too ridiculous.  What was Kuroko thinking?  He and Momoi obviously had something going on, why did they have to bring Kagami into it?  Kagami let out a sigh and crossed his arms in front of his chest.  He refused to get up from where he sat just to bow down to Aomine.

A shiver went down his spine and he got the unnerving feeling that he was being watched.  He looked back to the group, meeting the navy blue eyes that stared into his.  He gulped.  Aomine's incessant stare sent chills down Kagami's spine.  He couldn't tell the intent behind the stare, was he being sized up like prey or was there something else more or less sinister in Aomine's gaze?

"Kagami-kun," Kuroko's voice sounded right in his ear.  He jumped, shaking his head, quickly glancing around to see where Kuroko was.  Kuroko was standing right next to him, looking down at him, "Kagami-kun, we're going to get started."

"Sure," Kagami finally stood up, walking right past Aomine to walk next to Kise as they went to the other end of the hotel for the location for the photoshoot.  He could feel eyes boring holes into the back of his head, but he refused to turn around.  He couldn't look at Aomine after knowing he was being used.

[AN: what do you think of this update? I promise I have a plan of where I'm going with this 😉 it's gonna get good and hot soon!]

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