Chapter 27: Happy surprise....or not?

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Chapter 27: Happy surprise….or not?

*Lilita’s P.o.V.*

Bed rest. Only two words to describe that. Evil and retarded. I have been stuck in bed, treated like a child and coddled for the past week. This last week has been utter hell and I was now in a very foul mood.

Most of the organization have opted to stay away from me, well except Deidara who was oblivious to my sour mood. He was the only one who would come and keep me company while I was confined in my room. Not even Tobi would come and visit.

When I woke this morning, there was a note on my pillow. Opening it, I realize the messy scribbles as Deidara’s.

Gone out with Tobi to pick something up. Be back soon.


Scrunching the note up, I flick it into the waist basket and lay back down. I close my eyes and enjoy the peace, but then get annoyed with the silence. Peeking my eyes open, I decide to check how my stitches were healing.

Slowly, I lift my shirt up and pull the bandages away from my stomach, revealing pink, puffed up skin and a line of black stitches trails across from left to right. I touch the skin, wincing slightly and pull my hand away before fixing my shirt and bandages.

My stomach grumbles loudly and I sigh loudly. “Time for some food.” I mumble distractedly.

Carefully, I get out of bed and stand up, keeping a hand over my stomach to make sure not to pull it. Making my way to the door, I pull it open and step into the hallway.

As I get closer to the kitchen, I hear shouting and chatter, something I haven’t heard in a while. When I enter the kitchen, everyone falls silent.

“Don’t worry. I’m not gonna bite your heads off. Just hear to get some food then I’ll leave.” I grumble angrily, trudging over to the fridge.

“Glad to see your almost back to full health, Lilita.” Pein’s voice breaks the awkward silence.

“Yeah, me too.” I reply, opening the freezer door and peering inside. Smiling, I grab my food and a spoon before turning to walk away.

“Uh, what’s the full tub of ice cream for?” Kisame asks, eyeing my tub of chocolate peanut butter swirl ice cream.

“I’m craving ice cream. Now, leave me alone.” I flip around and saunter back to my room. Plopping down on my bed, I open the ice cream and start digging in, savouring every bite.

Oh how I love ice cream.



A few hours later, my door opens a tiny crack.

“Lita?” Dei’s voice carries around the door and to my ears. Opening my eyes, I pull myself up into a half sitting position.

“Hey, Dei.” I smile at him as he comes into the room and sits at the end of my bed.

“How are you feeling?” He asks, looking me up and down.

“Fine. Better than before.” I shrug, scooting farther up against the wall so I was sitting up fully.

“That’s good to hear.” Deidara nods, his eyes traveling to the empty ice cream tub. “Did you eat that whole thing?” Dei eyes me suspiciously.

Blushing, I nod slowly. “I was hungry.” I mumble lowly, my blush increasing.

Deidara just laughs and pecks my cheek. “It’s okay. Do you need anything?”

Thinking about it, I nod my head. “Can you help me up? I need to pee.” I smile slightly, holding my hands out for him to take.

Deidara stands up and grabs my hands, helping me out of bed. Thanking him, I make my way to the bathroom.

I quickly do my business and before I leave, I check my stitches again. As I run my fingers over my stomach, a weird sensation fills me. Placing a hand over my tummy, I wait for the feeling to pass.

Just as it does, I feel a movement under my hand. My eyes widen and I press my hand down a little harder, the movement coming again. My eyes were now the size of saucers as I stand there, staring at my stomach.

No, I couldn’t be. This couldn’t be happening. I mean I haven’t even….actually, I have. How could I forget! Dammit! My mouth opens to say something, but nothing comes out. After a few more attempts, the words I need finally come out.

Deidara!” I shout, still staring at my stomach in disbelief. Deidara bursts into the bathroom and sees my staring at my stomach and my hand over it.

He stares at me for a few seconds before meeting my eyes. “Is it…? Are you….?” Deidara stutters, not able to form any words.

Nodding, I manage to speak. “I think so.” I croak.


A/N: So sorry for the late and super crappy chapter! I was really rushing on this cause i wanted to give you guys something before i have to start my next exams. Hope you still enjoy it! Personally, i thought this chapter was a 'She did this, i did this, and then this happened.' kind of chapter but eh, i'm tired, stressed and really busy. Anywho, hope y'all enjoy and keep on reading!


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