Dr. Iplier/Dr. Schneeplestein

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Well, here's my first one. Enjoy!
TW for blood, if you don't like talk of blood, then I advise you not to read this!





"Right here."

Dr. Iplier and I were in the midst of a surgery on a middle aged woman. She was having surgery on her heart today. Since this was my first major surgery, Dr. Iplier was in charge, while I stayed back and assisted.

Everything was going according to plan, none of us said anything. "We seem to be done, all I need to do is stitch her up. Henrik, pass me the-" He was cut of by the heart monitor going crazy.

It beeped as her heart rate sped up. Blood spurted from her chest as we stood there. "We need bandages!" Dr. Iplier yelled. I scrambled to grab them from the closest cabinet. My heart was pounding just thinking about this. This is a doctors worst situation!

Quickly, I got to work on covering the wound while Dr. Iplier got the supplies ready. "I don't zhink she's going to make it!" I cried out. The blood was seeking through the cloth. "Yes she will, Henrik! Just apply more pressure."

I nodded and pushed down on her chest more. She has to make it. She has to. "Move it over a bit, it's slowing down." Dr. Iplier ordered. I nodded and took the cloth off of her and the other doctor got to work.

He carefully closed up the wound and made sure everything was secure. "There." He said softly, stepping away. The heart monitor was steady and he breathing seemed to be normal. I glanced down at my smocks only to see them covered in blood.

I removed the mask from my mouth and sighed "You did it." Dr. Iplier looked at me oddly. "No. We did it. Give yourself some credit, Henrik. We just saved her." He said in a strict tone.

"I guess you're right. Zhat was harder zhan I thought it vas going to be." I sighed, stepping away from the table. The radio next to us was playing a slow jazz tune that usually was only on late at night.

Dr. Iplier stepped closer "Dance with me." He said softly. I looked up at him, puzzled. "Vhat?"

"Dance. With. Me." He said again, grabbing my waist. He used his other hand to turn the volume up louder on the radio. I gripped his hand and placed my other on his shoulder. It must be a strange sight to see. Two doctors waltzing in a surgery room with blood stains on their uniforms.

The doctor leaned in closer and rested his head on my shoulder. "I can't believe we did it." He whispered in my ear. "She's gonna live, Henrik. All thanks to us."

I smiled a bit, thinking about it. "Ve should probably go tell her family now." I replied. The doctor pulled away and sighed "I guess, but you owe me a dance later." He pecked me on the cheek before leaving. I blushed like crazy and through his jacket at him "To cover ze blood." I said, grabbing mine.

"That's probably a good idea."

Sorry if this wasn't too good, I'm writing it late at night. But, I hope you enjoyed!

Request any ships at any time you want!


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