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This is platonic btw. Enjoy! (Photo above from DeviantArt by SimplEagle)
Angst and sadness ahead. Sorry in advance.


This can't happen.


His senpai.....

"Their gone, Yan.." Dr. Iplier said in a solemn tone. "We did every treatment possibly, but we couldn't save them."

No. They were suppose to live together forever. Just Yan and them. Forever.

"No! Senpais alright! You're lying!" he said angrily. He shoved the Doctor against the wall "D-don't lie to me!" Yan cried.

A pair of arms tugged him away from the shocked doctor. "Let me go! I want to see senpai!" he sobbed. "Yan, c'mon, they're gone. There's nothing else we can do." Dark whispered into his ear.

"We could've saved them. We just needed more time!" Yan cried and fell to the floor. He buried his face into his hands. Dark sunk down and pulled Yan against his chest "M-My senpai.." he sobbed into Dark.

"W-what did I do to deserve this?" He asked in a broken voice. Dark didn't have any words to say to the lovesick man.

"I....I don't know Yan. I'm so sorry, I don't know." Dark replied quietly, clutching the smaller man.

Many days went by.

Many different murders heard on the news.

Yan coming home with blood on his ripped uniform.

He said nothing but stalked off to his room and stayed in there for days on end. None of the other egos could get through to him, not even Mark.

Dark was the oldest of the bunch and desperately tried to make everyone better. Sure, he had to keep his stoic look up, but he was deeply worried for Yan.

He was terrified that Yan would spiral into depression and never come out of it. At night, muffled sobs are always heard from his room. No one was allowed in there, except for Dark to comfort the youngest after a nightmare.

One night as Dark was comforting Yan, the red head said something unexpected.

"Dark, I wanna die. I wanna join my senpai." He sobbed into his pillow. If Dark had normal emotions, he would break down right now. He needed to be there for Yan.

Dark stayed with Yan the entire night, just to make sure he didn't try anything. Some days passed after Yan's episode and he still wasn't back to himself.

Whenever he came out of his room he was pale and his cheeks were sunken in. Dr. Iplier tried to get him to eat something, but it never worked. Yan would decline and grab a bottle of water before disappearing back into his room.

Then one day everything went down hill.

Dark was the only one home, besides Yan. He hadn't been out of his room all day and it was nearing 3 pm. Dark had a bad feeling in the pit of his gut as he got up from the chair. He set his book down on the table beside him and made his way to Yan's room.

"Yan? Are you there?" Dark knocked on the door. Silence.

"Yan?" Dark said again, but louder.


Something was wrong.

"I'm coming in, Yan. Back away from the door." Dark advised before kicking down the door. That's when the smell hit him.


Yan was laying on the floor, a pool of blood around him. Dark rushed over and dropped to his knees, desperately trying to find a pulse on the Yandere.


A knife was in Yan's hand. Both of his wrists were slit. In his other hand was a note. Dark shakily took it and read it.

I know you are the one who is going to find me. I'm so so so sorry that it had to be like this. I miss my senpai. I miss my (y/n) so much. I couldn't pair the pain anymore, Dark. It hurt to much. There was no way I could go on. It was all too much. I hope you can forgive me for this. I may be with (y/n) or I may be in hell. But, that's okay. I'd rather pay for everything I've done then wallow in all this pain any longer. Dark, you're my brother and I love you so much. Please don't think this was your fault ever. It wasn't. It was all mind. Tell everyone else I'm so sorry.

~Yan xx

Dark crumpled the latter in his hands and let out a loud sob. This was too much for the demon. He never thought he could cry over anything, but this was his breaking point. He let out a heart wrenching sob and clung onto Yan's body.

That's how the other egos found them. They couldn't bare the news. Everyone was devastated. But, Yan got what he wanted. He was with his senpai after all...

Sorry for the tears that may have been shed. I just thought of this and decided to write it.


Feel free to requests!


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