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More friendship than relationship

(Art by chloesimagination on DeviantArt)

Dear Sean,

I hope this letter finds you. I addressed it to you and left it in Amy's hands to deliver it to you, since I didn't think you wanted to see me...


Sean. Jack. I don't know why we don't talk anymore. Quite frankly, it makes my heart hurt just thinking about it. The fans have been worried, but I just played it off saying we are both busy. I really hope that's the case..

You're probably wondering why I'm writing this. Well, I'm doing it to get everything off my chest. I want to be your friend, Sean, but you keep pushing me away. Why?!

What did I do? Was I too bossy? Too arrogant? Sean, I'm so sorry if I was. Please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong. I miss having you as a friend. You are one of the select few people in my life that I'm close with. Please, please don't give up on me. I'm close to giving up on you...



Dear Mark,

It's been a while, hasn't it old friend? Man, I feel old just writing that. Mark, I don't understand where all this is coming from. I am your friend still.

Why do you think I'm not? Sure we haven't talked in a while, but we have been busy. I don't want you to feel bad at all, Mark. None of this is your fault! None of it is, please don't think that.

Don't give up, Alright? I'm here and please don't be afraid to contact me. I'm still your friend and I haven't given up on you. Please call me when you get this.



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