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Hallo everyone! I'm writing this letter once more. I missed you all dearly and it's all okay here! We are having such a great time and I can't wait to see you all again. I have so much to tell all of you! So many adventures and additions to ongoing stories to say. JJ, I got you a new pocket watch. I know you desperately needed a new one. Don't worry, old friend, I have it under control. Marvin! I found a friend you may like! She knows magic and she adores cats like you! Chase, I know the trouble you're going through. When I return I will be there for you always. Never forget that. Jackie! I missed your heroic actions! They truly do make the world a better place. Robbie, my boy. Please keep being a good zombie. I can't wait to hear more of your adventures around the house! And see all the pictures you drew for me.  I need to get going, Anti and I are going on a trip but I promise to write again soon. I love you guys very much. Never forget that.

<3 Henrik

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