Chase Brody

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I miss Vine. Just remember that while reading this


I busted open the door to the Septiceye egos home. "What the fuck is up Kyle? No what did you say, what the fuck dude. Step the fuck up, Kyle!" I belted out. Jackie dropped the plate he had in his hands and Anti glared at me from across the room. Chase, on the other hand was dying of laughter.

"Wait wait. I got one." He said, wiping a tear from his eye. Chase got up and walked over to the door and stepped out. A few moments later, he kicked the door open. "What's up fuckers?" To which I replied with "Why do you have my phone?"

"Fuck you that's why!"

Chase and I both giggled hysterically and fell to the ground. "Should we go get Henrik? I think they need help..." Marvin asked.

Throughout the day, we made so many Vine references that Anti personally left the house just to get away. Chase was walking down the hallways and I jumped out to scare him. "AHH stop I could've dropped my croissant." He replied with a smile.

Later, we were watching a show and I turned to him. "I thought you were bae. It turns out you were just fam.."


"You two need to fucking stop before I place a spell on you two!" Marvin yelled. But that only made us laugh more. Jackie and Marvin were sitting on the other sofa, on opposite sides of it.

"Chase." I whispered


I motioned over there "Two bros chillin in a hot tub five feet apart 'cause they're not gay."

That's what set Marvin off "Okay. No. We're done. Chase, go to your room now. (Y/N) stay there and don't leave that spot."

"No you can't take me away from my meme friend!" Chase said dramatically as Marvin pulled him away. The door to Chase's room was slammed shut and a very pissed of Marvin came back.

He say down on the sofa and crossed his arms. I was thinking of my revenge when I texted Chase. Marvin didn't think to take my phone. "I love you, bitch. I ain't never gonna stop loving you...bitch." I texted and waited for a reply. I could hear Chase laughing from his room and Marvin glared at me. "What?" I asked innocently.

"What did you do?" He asked.


"Hmmm." He said and turned back to the tv. From the hallway, I heard a door open, but I didn't say anything to Marvin. It was silent until..

"Hi, welcome to Chili's." Chase said with only his underwear on. I let out a snort and started laughing. I walked over and high fived him. "I think we broke him." Chase said, looking over at Marvin, who was being comforted by Jackie.

"Totally worth it." I smirked.

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