Henrik Schneeplestein

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This may be sad, not sure how it's gonna end. But hey, let's get into it



That's all I felt.

The cool wind whipped across my face as Jackie quickly fled the scene with me. "Jackie..." I croaked Out.

"Don't speak (Y/N), save your energy." Jackie said, holding me closer to him.


I was walking home from work. It was dark out, so only a couple people roamed the streets. I was fine since nothing has ever happened to me....until today. Some idiot tried to mug me.

"Give me your bag or I'll kill you." The man snarled in my ear. The gun he has against my head clicked. I gulped and shook my head "I have nothing, sir. Please leave me a-alone."

The man chuckled "You have to have something. Now hand it over or I'll blow your brains out." I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping just maybe Jackie was patrolling this area tonight.

"No." I growled and kicked him in the balls. I pushed him off of me and made a break for it. I thought I was home free until I felt it. Pain rippled through my side.

I gasped and glanced down at my side, seeing the crimson blood stain my jacket. The man growled and grabbed my bag. "Fuck you!" He spat before pushing me to the ground and running off.

My head hit the brick wall behind me as I clutched my wound. That bastard fucking shot me. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. At least that jackass didn't take my phone. I shakily took it out of my pocket and dialed Henrik.

I knew how slow the ambulances were around here, Jackie could get me to Henrik quicker.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" The doctor asked, worry laced his voice.

"H-Henrik I need Jackie to c-come get me. I'm between the l-liquor shop and n-nail parlor on Main." I gasped out. Blood gushed from my wound, so I took my jacket off and applied pressure to it.

"What happened? Marvin just called him." Henrik asked urgently.

"I-I..." I trailed off, coughing a bit. "I was shot by some b-bastard." The pain flamed up when I coughed.

"G-god Henrik. I'm scared. I don't w-wanna die!" I cried out. Just then, the heavens opened up above me and poured down cold rain.

"Hey, Schatz, it's alright. You'll be alright, (Y/N). Jackie is almost there. Just hang on. You won't die." Henrik reassured me. "I need you to keep your eyes open, don't fall asleep, okay?"

"Okay..." I whispered. I applied more pressure but the blood had already soaked through the jacket.

"Talk to me, liebe. Tell me about your day." Henrik insisted in his attempt to keep me awake. I leaned my head against the wall behind me.

"Umm... My coworker and I...we...." I trailed off. I was tired, my eye lids felt heavy. Just then, I felt someone gently lift me up. It was Jackie. He gently took my phone and said something to Henrik before hanging up.


"We're almost there, (N/N). Just hang on." Jackie whispered into my ear. All I could do was nod and rest my head on his shoulder. The hero kicked the door open to the clinic.

"Henrik!" He yelled. Bright lights blinded me as I was set on a gurney. I looked up and saw Henrik wheeling me away.

"You'll be alright now, (Y/N). Sleep now." He said softly. He didn't have to tell me twice as I slipped into a unconsciousness.

What seemed to be hours later, I heard a faint beeping sound from next to me. Slowly, I opened up my eyes and blinked rapidly.

This place smells too clean. I jerk forward but immediately regret it. Pain fills my lower abdomen. "Relax, Schatz, you're alright now." A familiar voice said calmly.

I look over to my right and see Henrik, who had a soft smile on his face. He brushed some hair out of my eyes. "How do you feel?" He asked.

"Like I've been shot." I grumbled. Henrik sighed and held out some water for me to take. I happily took it and drank about half of it. "How long was I out?" I asked quietly.

"You slept through the night. It's around 2 pm now. The surgery was about an hour long. That arschloch didn't get far with your bag. Jackie caught up to him. Let's just say he won't wake up any time soon."

"I expected that." I chuckled and closed my eyes. "Thank you for staying on the phone with me." I said quietly. "I was really scared."

Henrik smiled and grasped my hand. "Don't thank me, Liebe. I was only doing my job. But from now on, someone is going to walk you home from work, okay?"

"Yes mom."

The good doctor ruffled my hair and smiled. "Get some sleep. We'll talk more later." With that, I fell back into a dreamless sleep.

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