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I only got three questions, but it's okay! I'm happy to get some :D

@HaileyGriffin4 asked: Who is your favorite Markiplier and Jacksepticeye ego?

Answer: Oooh boi that's a hard question. Uhhhhhhhh heck...I do really like Host. He's a good boi. As for Jack's? Hmmmm probably Henrik Schneeplestein!

@AskError asked: What got you into fan fiction?
Answer: Tbh I first got into it in 2014 after I finished the Twilight series. I found Wattpad through an ad on Instagram and voile here I am! The first thing I read was Carlisle Cullen books since I had a crush on him. Whoops.

@purpleHOOMAN asked: What is your opinion on Fnaf? Also, can you please continue the Dark x child reader one?

Answer: I really do like FNAF! I love Matt's theories and the spin off games. Sure some of the fan base is a bit cringy but I don't really care. I like the games and the lore! As for the Dark and child reader, I was thinking of creating an actual book for it. Would anyone read it if I did?

Well that's all I got, if you got more questions I'll be more than happy to answer them!

I got some requests to fill so please keep an eye out for them.

Bye guys, love all of you! 💕💕💕

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