Christmas with the Ipliers

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Here's a glimpse into the readers life on his Christmas Eve is with the Iplier Egos.....

Lord help us all...


"Wilford put down the gun right now!"

"Dark, stop being an ass and help the Host put the presents under the tree!"

"Google That is not how you wrap a present!"

I was about to rip my own hair out at this point. No one was listening to me besides Oliver and Dr. Iplier. They were both trying to get everything under control, but we all know that wasn't going to happen. This was my breaking point.

"EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOIKG RIGHT NOW!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. All of the egos went silent, I doubt they ever heard me this angry. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

I opened them and calmly turned to Wilford "Will, give me the gun this instant." Without hesitation the pink haired man handed me the weapon. He had a look of fear in his eyes...

"Dark, step away from Host and go sit down. I can sense that he is in distress from your lack of thoughtfulness of the gift placing." I said. Dark immediately crossed the floor and sat down on the sofa.

Finally, I turned to the Google trio "Googles, do not wrap any more presents. I will take over this job." Red, blue, and green all nodded and got up from the pile of wrapping paper. "I'm sorry for yelling, but everything got way too hectic." I sighed.

"The Host senses that (Y/N) is very stressed. Maybe they should rest too." The Host said, looking over at me.

"Yes, I think that's an excellent idea." Dark said. "Please come sit down and we'll take care of everything."

There was no use putting up a fight, so I sat down on the other sofa, between Bim and Yan. I sighed and leaned my head on Yan's shoulder as everyone quietly got back to work. Yan ran his fingers through my hair as I leaned further into him.

"Hey, uh (Y/N)?" Jim called out. I open my eyes and see both of the Jim's standing there. "Yeah?" I said softly. He took a small box out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"This is from Jim and I." He explained. I unwrapped the box and covered my mouth in surprise. They had gotten me a ring with my birthstone in it. "It's not much, but it's a thank you for putting up with all of us." The other Jim said.

I stood up and wrapped my arms around the twins. "It's more than enough. Thank you so much, guys. I really appreciate it." I gleamed.

[We apologize for any inconvenience we have caused you, (Y/N)] Red looked down at the floor. I pulled all four Googles into a hug and sighed "It's alright guys, I still love you."

"I'm sorry too, (Y/N), it's just we never had a proper Christmas before and we wanted it to be perfect." Dark said, stepping towards me.

"Come here you big softy." I smiled and pulled Dark into a hug. He stiffened for a moment before relaxing into it. Dark hugged me tight then pulled away.

"So, can we all cuddle now?" Bim asked with a smile on his face. Dark was about to object when Yan pulled me back into a hug. "Cuddles!!" He yelled.

And that's how my Christmas Eve went. All my favorite egos cuddles up with a good Christmas movie playing. My hand ran through Dark's hair as Yan played with mine. Sure they aren't perfect, but they do care about me.

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