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Fnaf AU. Not sorry


"Cmon, just a little longer." The raven haired boy mumbled to himself. It was currently 4 am and he was running low on power. "Just leave, Ballon Boy!" He growled at the stupid balloon holding idiot. He couldn't flash the light, he knew he was about the die no matter what.

Quickly, he flipped on the mask and held his breath. Toy Bonnie stood in front of him, and stared at the eye sockets of the mask. Nate's eyes were filled with fear, but the animatronic left through the other vent. He let out a sigh of relief and took the gross mask off before returning to the cameras. 

He was just about to switch to another camera, when all the lights shut off. A small gasp emitted from his mouth. "W-what..?" he said aloud. Nate could've sworn he was on 45% still...

A giggle ricochet down the hallway towards Nate. He shrunk back in his seat as the hair on the back of his neck stood up. The giggling grew louder as did the footsteps accompanied with it. "Come out...don't be shy.." the shrill voice giggled.

Nate ducked under his desk and pulled his knees up to his chest. He began to shake a bit and hide his tears. The footsteps stopped once they got to the desk. "C'mon Natey...." it laughed. "I won't bite...."

Suddenly, he was dragged out from under the desk and pinned against the wall. Nate yelped and closed his eyes. He could feel the other body press against him, breathing hot air. "Open your eyes.." he whispered 

Nate was shaking badly as he peeked out through his eyelashes. He was met with amber eyes that seemed to glow in the darkened room. "There...I'm not too bad, right?" the man smirked. 

"W-Who are you?" Nate asked shakily. 

The man grinned widely and moved closer, if that was even possible. "You've met me already, my dear Nathan. My name is Mad. Now put a face to the voice..."

The raven haired boy's eyes went wide. "You''re the one on the phone? Why are you here?" His heart hammered in his chest. Mad gently let go of Nate, which gave the younger boy an idea. He glanced down the hallway and decided to run.

But, he didn't get very far. Mad caught him by the waist and forced him against the wall once poor. "And here I thought you wanted to be friends." Mad pouted. "You did have many questions for me."

A tear fell from Nate's eye. "Please...just let me go. I-I won't tell..I promise!" he cried out. Mad only grinned at him as he pulled the boy flushed against him. "I think I'll keep'll make a great puppet, don't you think? My little puppet."

Nate shook his head quickly, but it was too late. Mad was carrying him off somewhere far away...where no one would find him again.

Anyone want a part 2? 

Leave any requests you might have! 

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