Darkiplier part 2

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Part two of the Dark x child reader! 


Dark led (Y/N) back to his place. He knew Wilford would be around again..he didn't want (Y/N) to have to see the idiot who killed their parents. "You can stay in my room for the night." he said and ushered them into his room. 

(Y/N) nodded and walked into the room. They gazed in wonderment at how beautiful everything looked. There was lavish furniture pushed to the side with a large king sized bed filled with fluffy black and red pillows and blankets. 

They grinned and hopped up on the bed. Dark chuckled and ruffled their hair. "You should get some sleep, it's pretty late." he said. (Y/N) nodded and yawned before curling up on the bed. "G'night Darky." They mumbled.

Dark smiled and pulled the blankets over (Y/N). "Sleep well." he whispered and kissed their forehead. Soon, (Y/N) fell asleep, snoring softly. Dark gently stood up and went to go sit in his office. As soon as Dark opened the door to his office.

"Hello Darky." A voice called out. Dark looked up and saw the pink mustached man. "What do you want, Wilford?" Dark sneered and closed the door behind him. "Nothing, just wanted to see how your new kiddo is doing." he said and stood up, twirling his gun. 

"It's none of your business, you killed their family." Dark snarled and turned to him. "Leave my house...now." 

"I might have moved out, but it's still my home." Wilford crossed his arms. Just then, the door create open and (Y/N) peered in. They gasped when they saw Wilford. The crazy man smirked and crouched down in front of them. "Hello dear." he said in a sickly sweet voice.

Dark growled and took a step closer to him . "Y-You killed them..." (Y/N) whispered. Tears fell down their face as Dark pulled Wilford back. "Leave...right now." he growled. 

Wilford rolled his eyes and pressed the pink gun to Dark's forehead. Bad move. The room grew heavy as Dark's aura broke. He place his hand on the back of Wilford's neck and picked him up. "LEAVE!" he boomed. Wilford nodded quickly and scrambled out of his grasp and out the door. 

Dark calmed himself down and turned to (Y/N). He frowned when he didn't see them there. A small sniffle came from behind the desk. He quietly walked over and knelt down next to them. "It's okay." he whispered as (Y/N) looked up at him with tear filled eyes. They weren't scared of Dark, only Wilford. It brought back horrible memories of the day prior. 

Dark shushed them and pulled (Y/N) in for a hug. They clung to him and sobbed into his chest. "He can't hurt you, I'm sure of it." He said quietly. "It's okay (Y/N).." He pressed a kiss to their forehead. 

(Y/N) soon fell asleep in his arms. Dark sighed and scooped them up and carried them to his room. He moved the blankets away and placed them in bed. But, they wouldn't let go. Dark chuckled lightly and laid down next to them before placing the blankets on the both of them. 

"Goodnight, (Y/N)." he whispered and kissed their forehead. (Y/N) smiled and opened their eyes a bit. "Goodnight dad." they mumbled and fell back asleep into a pleasant dream. 

I love child! reader things ! They're so  much fun to write!

If you have anymore requests, let me know! 

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