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If you don't mind, I would like to make a request? Of course you don't have to do it!! I just wanted to see if you would be up to a Darkiplier X child reader. Of course, platonic. I just wanted Dark heart slowly melting for a child. If you need more information, lemme know!! And, once again, you don't have to do this if you don't want to.

For shmwooper    (Also the child in this is around the age 11 or 12)  


Dark fucking hate Wilford. There, he said it, well thought it.  All he wanted to do was brag about how he killed a couple  the other night and it was annoying. Dark needed to get out of there before anything happened, he didn't want to blow up in front of the Jim's once again. Those twins were scared to death of the demon for a solid three weeks. 

Letting out a long sigh, the raven haired man looked around the area for a place to sit down. He spotted a bench in a nearby park that would suffice. It was almost sunset, so there weren't many people around. All the kids on the playground were running back home. Dark smiled a bit as they ran past. Say what you will about the demon, but he holds a special place in my heart for children. He has always wanted one as his own, but sadly, that won't ever happen. 

He quietly sat down on the bench and held his head in his hands. His aura seemed to crack around him as he was consumed by his thoughts. "Excuse me." A small voice said, tugging on his sleeve. Dark looked up and saw a child no more than 12 standing in front of him. 

"Yes?" he said, looking at them. 

"What are you doing out here by yourself? It's getting late." They asked, taking a seat next to him.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers?" a smiling tugging on his lips. "Don't have any." They shrugged. "Some lunatic with a pink mustache...killed them last night." They lip quivered a bit at the thought. "I ran away since I don't want to be put in stupid foster care."

Dark's heart dropped at that. "Did..did he have a weird voice?" Dark asked quietly. The kid nodded "Yeah, he wanted to play a game...wanted me to kill them." A small tear fell down their face. 

"I'm gonna kill him." Dark muttered. The kid turned to him "What did you say?" 

Dark shook his head "Nothing, why don't you come with me? I'll make sure you won't have to go into foster care."

They looked up at Dark cautiously. "How do I know I can trust you?"

"I can do magic." Dark grinned and snapped his fingers. A flower appeared in his hands and he handed it to the wide eyed kid. "That's amazing!" They gushed and took the flower. Dark stood up and offered a hand to them. "What's your name?" they asked and took Dark's hand.

"My name's Dark." he replied. "Nice to meet you, Dark! My name is (Y/N)." they smiled.

"Well (Y/N), welcome to the family."

Sorry it was so short, I couldn't think of much since it would've just been creepy for Dark to just take a child from someone. 

If you have any other suggestions, feel free to tell me!

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