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From my RP Tumblr @egomaniadream

The light shining through the window did nothing to calm Dark down. He had been pacing the floor for almost an hour now. "Where is he? Where is he?" he muttered over and over again. Host never, never, leaves the house without telling him. He had a very strict schedule that he kept to everyday.

Today is no different. Why would he just disappear like that? Dark had torn the house apart looking for any sign of the man. Nothing. There was not a single trace of where Host was. Dark started to panic after the first hour. The man wouldn't answer his phone and he asked every ego if they had seen him.

Sadly, no one had seen him. Dark was growing more and more stressed by the minute. His mind was in overdrive, thinking of all the bad things that might have happened to him. Just then, his doorbell rang. Maybe that was someone with Host? Dark rushed over to the door and quickly opened it.

No one was there. Strange.. He was about to close the door, when he spotted an odd brown box sitting on top of the welcome mat. It was a medium sized box with an array of knife markings in the form of a smiley face. Dark carefully picked it up and brought it inside. He set it on the table and saw a note stuck to the side of it. Carefully, he took it off and opened it.

Dearest friend,

I hope you aren't too upset with me. I lied about before...I did see the Host. He was begging for you, pleading for his life. It brought joy to me, friend. Look in the box, there you will find something to remember him by....and was all just a joke.

~ Wilford xx

Dark shakily set the note down and opened the box. He gasped in horror and took a step back. Inside was Host's head with a picture of a pink mustache taped to it.

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