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Google x reader where he malfunctions and we are the only one who can fix him? You don't have to do it, it's just an idea.

For QueenOfUnderfell


Mark needed me to stay at the Iplier household since him and Amy were going on vacation. He didn't truth the egos to be alone, so he asked me to stay with them to make sure that they don't burn the house down.

I ,of course, said yes since Mark is my best friend, I'd do anything for him. Also, the egos seem to tolerate me, so that's a good thing. It was my second day here and Mark had already called twice to make sure Dark hadn't killed me yet.

"Yes Mark, I'm, the Jim's haven't sacrificed anyone yet. Dark hasn't touched me, I'm fine. Wilford did pull a gun or Dark, but it's all good.....Host is quite the cuddler. Okay...yep..okay have fun! Bye!" I hung up the phone and slipped it into my pocket.

It was still pretty early, so I decided to make some breakfast for everyone. I decided on waffles, eggs, and bacon for a start. Everyone loves those. I hummed a bit to myself and began to whisk the eggs. Just then, there was a loud bang from the other room.

I jumped at the noise, nearly burning myself on the grease from the bacon. Dark stormed into the kitchen looking very flustered. His shirt was untucked and his hair was a mess. "You." he pointed at me.

"We have a problem." he said and grabbed my sleeve, tugging me away. "Dark!" I yelped. "I gotta turn off the fucking stove!" He rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, shutting it off. "We have a much bigger problem and it goes by the name Google." My eyes widened, what could he have possibly done now? He's been powered off for days..

"What happened?" I asked as we approached his door. Wilford opened the bedroom door and sprinted out of it. His makeshift armor was now in pieces and his hockey stick was snapped in half. "Nope! Nope! He was gonna kill me!" Wilford breathed heavily.

"Google is malfunctioning and won't let anyone near him." Dark explained. "You're not like go help him!"

I let out a long sigh "Fine...but if I die, I'm gonna haunt all your asses." I huffed and prepared myself for the shit show in the room. I slowly cracked open the door and glanced inside. The room was dark except for a corner of the room that was lit up by a screen. Must be Google.

I walked into the room and shut the door behind me. "Google?" I said softly. There was no answer except the whirling of his fan. "Google?" I said again, this time louder. His head whipped around to look at me. His piercing red eyes bored into my (e/c) ones. He quickly stood up and growled "GeT AwAY FRom ME!"

I jumped back and hit the wall as he rushed towards me, pining me to the wall. My eyes widened as I tried desperately to get away. "G-Google, I was wanna help!" I cried.

I tried to touch his should, hoping to show that I meant no harm to him. His eyes seemed to shift from red to his normal color. He stepped away, shaking violently. "I-I-I do-don't know-ow w-what's w-wrong-ong with-th m-me." He whimpered and sat down on the bed.

Slowly, I approach him and kneel down in front of him. "Google? It's okay..." I said softly and placed a hand on his knee. "I wanna help."

He finally looked up at me and shakily took my hand. "M-My-y sys-tems are-are mal-alfunct-tionaling-ing." he sputtered out. "I think you need to stay always over work yourself." I replied and rubbed small circles on his hand.

Google nodded and soon stopped shaking. "I'm sorry." he said quietly, voice back to normal. "It's alright, we were all just worried about you." I smiled and pulled him in for a hug. Oddly enough, he hugged back, which was unlike him. "Thank you for doing this....Wilford tried to put me in sleep mode and I attacked" he muttered into my shoulder.

"Is that why he came out screaming like a little girl?"


Sorry for the long delay! This is the last two weeks of college then I'm free! I'll update more.

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