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Pure fluff of the boyos! Requested by @qwertylilshit

Henrik walked into his house with a look of pure exhaustion on his face. He had just pulled a double shift and all he wanted to do was cuddle up with the one he loved. Sure the one he loved was a trigger happy killer, but he loved him nonetheless.

"Wilf?" Henrik called out, kicking his shoes off. 

"In the kitchen!" the crazed man called back. Henrik slowly made his way into the kitchen to see the pink haired man standing by the microwave. He slowly came up behind him and wrapped his arm around him. 

"Hello, liebe." Henrik hummed, kissing his cheek. "I missed you.." he nuzzled his face into his neck. Wilford let out a chuckle and turned to face Henrik, wrapping him in a hug. "I missed you too, darling....I'm making us some popcorn and got some candy! It's movie night!"

Henrik's face lit up at Wilford's words. He had completely forgotten that it was movie night...it was a Friday night after all. "I totally forgot! This made my day a million times better. Thank you, Wil." he smiled and nuzzled his face into Wilford's neck. "I'm going to go take a shower, then we can begin." He kissed him once more before pulling away.

"Be quick! I can't promise I'll save you a lot of popcorn!" Wilford called over his shoulder. Henrik rolled his eyes and quickly walked into the bathroom, stepping into the shower. After about 10 minutes, he was finally done and decided to get dressed and go cuddle with Wilford. He stepped out of the bathroom and walked to their room. When he opened the door, he immediately stopped.

Wilford was curled up in a burrito of blankets with a ton of candy surrounding him. Henrik chuckled and closed the door behind him. "Comfy?" he asked, Wilford immediately nodded and opened his arm for the doctor to join. 

Henrik happily jumped on the bed and wrapped his arm around Wil, leaning his head on the man's shoulder. Wilford grinned and kissed the top of his head. "What movie to ya wanna watch, sugar?" he asked. Henrik looked over the choices as Wil scrolled through the channels. "Hmm, how about Doctor Strange?"

"Do you wanna be like Doctor Strange?" Wilford teased and played the movie. "Yes." Henrik replied. "Minus the car crash part though." He nodded in agreement "We don't want the precious doctor getting hurt, I could never live with myself..."

The German doctor leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Don't dwell on it, love. I'm still here." he smiled and cuddled him. Wilford smiled and kissed his head. As they watched the movie, Henrik became sleepier and sleepier. 

The long shift he just had was finally catching up to him. Him and Wilford were finally laying down at the that. So, the doctor shifted so his head rested on Wilford's chest. His eyes soon closed and he was fast asleep. The murderous man smiled fondly at his lover and shut the television off before holding Henrik close. 

"I love you." he whispered and kissed his forehead. Henrik shifted in his sleep and nuzzled his face into Wil's neck. Wilford chuckled and closed his eyes, soon falling asleep with the love of his life in his arms. 

So, I have a few more requests to fill, but feel free to send in more!

I do the Sander Sides too! 

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