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A Sandshrew sniffles as he dashed through the streets of the Kanto region. He was nearing a cave. Tears seemed to be in his eyes as he recalled what happened earlier.

His mother abandoned him for being the runt of her eggs that hatched. So much praise went out to her others that her smallest son felt sad.

His mother had snapped at him to leave because he was smaller. " W-what's wrong with me being small?" He asked out loud to no one. " Nothing. Your mother probably just wanted Sandshrew who would protect her." A harsh deep sound spoke.

" What's wrong with how small I am?" He asked. A figure darted out of the tall grass. " Your mother only wants strong and big Sandshrew." The Houndoom told him. " But those guys can't even fit in the small holes I can without digging first! It's not fair!" The small Sandshrew wailed.

" Of course it isn't. Life isn't fair. Now tell me, kid. What's your name?" The Houndoom asked him.

" I...I don't have one." The small Sandshrew said, shaking. He never did have a name. The name his mother called him was runt. It was always what he was called.

The little Sandshrew closed his eyes. He really shouldn't be talking to this strange Pokémon.

" You don't have one?" The Houndoom asked with a smirk on his face. If only he could trick this little guy. He could use help in destroying those pesky Absol from alerting the humans. Yes that's it. Houndoom believed. I must tell him.

" What kind of good mother wouldn't name all her children? I'd say that's bad parenting. I can take care of you better than your parents can and show you just how much you don't need anyone." Houndoom told him, his lips showing.

" You really can?!" The tiny Sandshrew questions. Houndoom modded. " Of course. And I've got the perfect name for you." He adds, sniffing the little shrew Pokémon.

" You do?" Sandshrew asked them bounced. " Oh you do!" He said loudly, making the fire type chuckle at his antics. " Of course. After all, Little Tudi. You will be my son. I will train you. We don't want you being named Runt do we?" Houndoom asked him.

" Why no! Certainly not! I wouldn't want to be judged based on that, sir!" The newly named, Tudi said, his little claws on his head in salut.

" I don't think that is necessary." Houndoom gleefully snorted. " Oh sorry. I don't know your name or how to react with other adults." Tudi apologized.

He's a smart little Sandshrew. He at least has respect which his mother does not seem to have.

Houndoom then said, " Now before you can come with me, I want to see your skills. Your skills and ability and power are what will make you and I get along. Is that clear, son?" Houndoom asked, his lips curled in an evil snark like smile.

Tudi grinned. " Very clear, sir!" Tudi said. " My name is Pulse, kid. No need to be informal about this." Houndoom introduced himself.

" Ok, Puke, sir!" Tudi said. Houndoom rolled his eyes. " Pulse. Pulse. Forget it it doesn't matter." Pulse said with a shake of his head.

" Show me your moves, Tudi! Now!" Pulse barked. Tudi scurried to attacked. Pulse easily dodged the scratch coming his way. What was in front of Pulse was now a fiery set of jaws.

Tudi looked in horror as the Fire Fang suddenly and abruptly clamped his body. When the fangs disappeared Tudi shivered. " Tudi. You are poorly able to battle." Pulse said walking up to the shivering Sandshrew.

Here comes the never mind about wanting to keep you, Tudi thought, panting in pain. " It was a good effort. My fault for not knowing you weren't strong enough to handle that attack. We can get you up to it soon." Pulse surprised Tudi.

What the two didn't know was there was a police officer in the area. " Is that...?" Clefable asked herself with a grin.

" It is! And he has a poor Sandshrew captive!" She gasped. She jumped out. " Halt in the name of the law!" She cries as she uses Disarming voice.

Tudi had no idea what was going on. A Clefable just jumped out and started using super effective moves on his only friend.

He curled up whimpering. He didn't like this. He should really do something to help Pulse. Pulse screamed in pain as the Clefable used Metronome which sent off a Close Combat at the dark and fire type Pokémon.

Tudi uncovered himself. I need to prove my stuff. He thought. He knew one move that could take down this crazed Pokémon.

He curled up using Defense Curl before uncurling and standing up. He softly walked over to the police officer. Clefable looked at him with worry. But he didn't notice her.

" Help me, Tudi! She's trying to murder me!" Pulse said. What Clefable knew that Tudi didn't was that Pulse was an outlaw. A huge bounty was on his head for his arrest.

The Clefable was about to say something before a small object flew out of Tudi and hit the Clefable in the chest. She let out a louder shriek than a normal one in this circumstance. Tudi suddenly growled darkly. He was no longer the sweet innocent child. He had to save his friend.

Even if costs were to be made. His claws glowed silver. He suddenly charged at her with his strength. He dug his claws in the officer's throat. Both glowed unnaturally with the attack.

He ripped out the Clefable's esophagus. The Clefable looked in terrifying horror when her blood ran down Tudi's claws. Then she fell at the Sandshrew's claws. But he wasn't done with her yet, no. She hurt his friend.

He used Metal Claw one last time on her stomach. The contents of it pouring out onto his feet. Pulse smiled with delight. He had tricked the innocent into killing. " Welcome to my humble abode, son." He said, leading the sandshrew to new honors of being a villain.

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