Chapter 7

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"It needs support," Claire said to me studying my ankle as I sat up with my legs out on my bed. "Let me get something."  I'd rolled up my jeans so I could get a look at my ankle and Claire had ended up seeing it. I knew It wasn't just a pulled muscle it definetly wasn't broken but it was in in bad shape. It was all gross and bruised. Claire grabbed a pillow off her bed and looked at my ankle.

"This might hurt okay?" she asked looking at me for reassurance.

I nodded and gripped the belt loops of my jeans preparing myself. She gently picked it up and lifted it onto the pillow. The pain was a sore pain but it was bearable. Once my ankle was in place Claire got upand began walking towards the door.

"I'm going to go and see if I can get an icepack from the school nurse.  Her office should still be open. i'll be back. " before I could reply she had already disappeared out of the door.

I let my head fall back onto my pillow as I stared up at the ceiling. The events of the day were just all to much for me, it was only my first day of school and I had already injuried myself in front of a guy. Wait why do I care? I barely even know him. All I know is that his name is Aaron and he always gives me the cold shoulder. I shouldn't have wasted a perfectly good ankle just because I was nervous about him seeing me screw up.

But for some reason that attraction I feel towards him is still there. it  almost feels familiar no. i'm not kidding I mean it . Knowing him is almost easy to do because well I feel like I already knew him. Even though I really don't Aaron is not like most of the people o know from what I've seen of him I've met people who were just plain rude but most people like that are rude in general not just to a specific person. Claire isn't that. Paige isn't that. Dad...

I smack my forehead. My email. i forgot to check it to see if my dad responded. i sit up not caring how much my fast movements put strain on my ankle. I reach under my bed for my laptop. Once the laptop is finally going i check my email. Not only did i get a response from Dad but i got an email from Paige.


From chrisyoung71gmail,com

Sent: Thursday 8/14 @ 10:21am

Subject: it's nice to hear from you.


It was nice to hear from you and i'm glad you made a new friend. But how is school going? What have you done so far? What is your schedule?  You never told me about your schedule. I want to know how you're doing academically just as much as soically. Will you be home for thanksgiving? i need to know so i can tell the family.Keeping emailing i like reading what you say.



I wasn't really sure what to think about that email. Dad knew that yesterday was my first day of school. Why was he nagging me about telling him my grades? Maybe he was just as busy. And stressed. He gets stressed out a lot. i sighed, shook it off and moved onto the next email.


Sent Thursday 8/14 at 3:48am

Subject Details now

Best friend,

So how is your new school? Tell me are there any cute guys? Anyone who's messing with you i'll kick their asses if there is anyone.  Well if i can get to your school sometime do they allow vistors. What are your clases? I'm sorry i'm throwin all of this at you at once but i'm just dying to know.

Any LOOOOOVE Instrets

please reply Asap



i smiled as i read the email from Paige. it was just like her to send me an email like that. She always talked so much though she wasn't annoying. She did talk yes but she was also a good listener and good at giving advice and she openly accepts everyone she's a loving person which is one of the very main reasons why she's my best friend. I started to feel tears in my eyelids. I missed her so much. Dad and I hadn't left things very well last time we saw each other and we might be distant from each other but I missed him too. I missed waking up in the morning and tumbling down the stairs to see him groggily pouring a bowl of coco puffs and still dressed in his addias sweats. I missed listening to Paige gossip to everyone in the class about who broke up, who's dating and who might get in a fight after school.

I missed home I'm wiping tears from my face with my sleeves when I hear a swiff. I look up from my hands and look across the room. My eyes settle on an envolpe sitting right by the door with a golden sticker holding it shut. I was going to wait until Claire got back s she could get it because of my ankle but as I looked at the letter, the urge to open it called to me it was something I just couldn't just shut of. I I got up and grabbed the letter I ripped it open.


Our first tutoring session is tomorrow afterschool in the fencing room. Meet me there

~ A

Aaron.  I read it over a few times it was a simple letter that should mean nothing to me at all but I couldn't stop reading it. I pictured him writing it in that perfect curvise handwriting. Licking the envelope closed. pressing the sticker against it and slipping it under the door it was an art inside my mind.

even though I bareky know him.

Wheni looked up someyhinh caught my eye from under the door. When I realised what it was I sucked in a breath of air and covered my mouth. I watched the shadow of Aaron's shoes disappear from my doorway and down the hall

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