Chapter 30

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Never had I seen something so beautiful and never had I been so confused. Aaron's wings were fitted perfectly for him there were beautifully flawed. The feathers were the most innocent pure white I had ever seen and whenever the light caught them. I could see a gold tint. I suddenly had the urge to reach out and touch them no matter what was going on right now, no matter that I'd just witnessed my own soul being taken and I was still shell shocked that it could even happen. His wings were perfect... but the tips of his feathers were flawed and tapered as if they'd just been wounded. I silently wondered where the wounds came from. His wings towered over all of us even Aaron himself who had to be at least six feet tall.

Cass and Kieran completely let go of me in shock and anger as they glared at Aaron. I tied to keep my balance but my energy was still hadn't come back to me yet. I fell to the ground for support as I watched it all unfold in front of my very eyes.

"We put a barrier around the entire school and you still managed to escape." Kieran growled stepping towards Aaron.

Behind him, Cass's face was in a grimiace and when I saw what happened next I began to question my own sanity. Out from Cass's back protruded big magnigicently hideous black wings. They shimmered whenever the light hit them, the black blended into a scarlet red as his feathers got to the tips of his wings. His wings too were slightly tapered but not as much as Aaron's where.

What were these creatures standing before me?

They seemed fairy like.... But the way they looked their stances.... All signified something ten times more important than stupid fairies. They seemed almost...


Instead of looking at Kieran and Cass Aaron spoke his response to them to me.. his head rose to look at me and I've never had someone's gaze lock with my mind so deeply.

"I had something to fight for."

I didn't know what to feel. I didn't know if I should feel love towards Aaron or fear of Cass. Or if I should feel confusion with everything that was happening or if I should just try my best to get away. I was feeling all of it at once, but what I wanted to do most was stand barrel over to Aaron, grab him tightly and kiss him deeper and more passionate than I have ever kissed anyone before.

"You have two choices, either hand her other or all of you including innocent Caitlyn will perish." Cass snapped/.

Kieran's wings then began to spread. They were the same thing as Cass's magnificently hideous. His feathers were emerald just like his eyes but a duller less metallic version of the colour. They almost seemed thin as if they were old and not as powerful as they used to be like the petals of a rose wither over time.

"it's over Cass." Aaron didn't say it angrily or with maliace. He said it civilly, almost as if didn't even care about either of them at all.

He seemed to rise a foot into the air floating there as his shoulder muscles tightened and his wings rose higher above his head. Before the tips of them have skimmed the ground but now that he was up in the air the tapered ends blew in the wind and the tips of his wings barely even brushed the ground. If I could have gotten lost in the aura that seemed to follow him at that moment I would have.

"Havent you learned by now what happens if you fly to close to he sun?" Kieran's laugh was almost insane.

Aaron had had enough at this point. Right after Kieran rose into the air just like Aaron and Cas shad movements before Aaron flew at him pinning him against one of the brick walls shaping the alley.

"Compared to you,I'm far from it." Aaron growled,

Just then I heard a loud noise coming form the outside of the alley, where I could see the fog forming into the street and the cars parked by the sidewalk. Someone with a female like figure was almost crouched on top of a car, causing the top of the dent in. the figure was a skinny and tall and I'm guessing the real weight on the car came from her wings which were transparent and seemed to shimmer black and royal blue. The wings were much like that of a butterfly's

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