Chapter 15

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I've come to the conclusion that ever since I got to this school, I've been stressed confused and underestimated. Everyone I've met so far is so secretive and suspicious. Especially Aaron its hard to even get to know him with awkward he is about social activities. I'm the same way though. It just seems like he's that way fror more reasons than one. He's definetly hiding something just like everyone else.

The weird thing is. It seems like everyone is hiding something from me in particular.

My stress doesn't go away as Verna and I enter the diner. The smell of eggs and bacon and syrup fills the air making my stomach growl. The dinner is old looking. The floors and walls are made of wood and the lightling is dark and dim. On the right side of the room is a bar where a few men sit to drink their morning Scotch. Ugh. Drinking in the morning is disgusting

There are a few other people sitting in booths, but other than that the diner is desolate eand abandoned. Verna and I seat ourselves on the other side of the room, in a booth that's next to the window.

"So I heard Aaron is your fencing tutor," Verna declared. Plucking a stray strand of her blonde hair and pushing it behind her ear. "How's that going."

I was wondering how Verna knew about that but that's when I remembered that everyone I've met so far is friends with Aaron. He must have told her. I shrugged.

"I mean.... Last night wasn't exactly easy." I answered.

The waitress came by our table. Verna and I both ordered coffee first then after the waitress had disappeared back into the kitchen. Verna looked over at me again. There was still that foggy mist in her eyes that shrouded something big. Something that I needed to find out.

Even if that meant figuring it out by myself.

"Explain?" she pleaded taking a sip of her coffee.

"Why are you so hooked on it? Does it matter?" I interrogated leaning over the table a little.

She rolled her eyes,

"I'm just curious jeez." She huffed. "Small talk you know?"

That same feeling lurked in my gut again telling me not to trust her. I've never gotten a feeling so powerful around anyone else before. Verna seems nice but I know that her and the rest of the group are trying to keep something under wraps. Something huge and it definitely involves me.

The question that really grabs my attention iswhat would they know about me when they just met me a few days ago?.

"Yeah," I sighed under my breath, "Small talk right."

Verna gave me a strange look.

"Why do you say it like that?" She asked me tapping her fingernails against the wooden table,

I sighed then looked back up at her. I needed someone to talk to this about. She might be one of the people who's keeping secrets from me nut I could see in her eyes that she was a good listener. So I leaned back and looked down at the ground, then began babbling.

"I'm sorry," I began clearing my throat. "I just feel like everyone has something to keep from me and I'm not sure why. Aaron is the most suspicious,"

Verna nodded.

"You need to remember that sometimes when people care about you they go really far to keep you safe...." Verna explained then trailed off and looked at the ground. "I know it's hard to understand but you're just going to have to put up with it"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes." No. you guys don't have to keep things from me. I can protect myself."

Verna raised her hand to cut me off."No one said that we were the ones keeping things from you. At least not all of us." She informed.

"Wait what-" I began but then the annoying waitress with the painted on face returned to our table,

I was quick asi could be when I ordered telling her I wanted bacon and eggs before she ciuld even finish her sentence.yeah someone would proberly spit in my food for that but I honestly only care about figuring out what Verena was trying to say to me.. Verna ordered blackberry pancakes.then I looked back at Verna.

"Who is then? And what are they protecting me from?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "Caitlyn I cant tell you that.... All I can do is warn you about Cass. You need to stay away from him and pretty much everyone else he associates himself with. I know he seems nice and all but he's dangerous.... Especially to you." Verna warned giving me a stern look.

I ran my hand through my hair. Why did everything here have to be so complicated.

"I...I have a date with him next weekend I really like him." I muttered looking down guiltily

Verna's eyes widned and she craned her neck to look back over at me. her jaw dropped. I didn't know if she was angry or shocked or just plan offended.

"You did what!?" she exclaimed standing up a little. The whole bar went quiet and stared over at us.

I clenched my teeth. Verna looked back at the entire bar then grinned sheepishly and sat back down. When she looked back at me, her grin had already faded.

"You're and idoit! Remember yesterday when we made Cass leabe the cafeteria? Did that do anything for you?" she asked pointing at me.

"I-I didn't exactly know what was going on!" I was trying my best to defend myself. I even put my hands up in front of my face.

She took a deep breath and shut her eyes. I could tell she was trying to calm herself down. The whole vibe around us calmed down with her which I found highly odd. Verna must feel emotions strongly.

"Listen to me carefully..," she instructed leaning in towards me more. "When we get back to campus. I will allow you to see Cass one more time. You are going to cancel this date with him. From then on he will be just another face in the hallway to you. Got it?"

I shook my head in surprise. Did she really think I could hurt Cass like that? Nothing could have compared to the excitement on Cass face when I'd said yes to going on a date with him. I wasn't about to crush him like that.

"Are you kidding? That'll break his heart."I wept my eyes widening.

"Oh trust me honey." Verna went on shaking her head and pushing her hair behind her ear again. "He has no heart to break"

I was about to protest but then the waitress came to our table settting down our plates and putting syrup in the middle of the table for Verna. Once she was gone Verna looked back at me.

"We'll talk about this more later." She informed. "For now lets eat and talk casually."

I followed her instructions because something deep within me told me that she wasn't bluffing about anything. But everything she told me earlier still tugged at my heartstrings.

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