Christmas! (1/3)

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Edd x Reader

Guess who's doing a Christmas thing! Me. Yehhhhhhhhh. I can't wait to write about a holiday I don't like. Eh, at least Tom's will be relatable...anyways, on with the show.

And the snow.

Ahh, Christmas. What a wonderful time of the year! Every store seemed to feel...different. Almost...magical. Most people were in a better mood, too. I guess that's holiday cheer for ya!

I was currently wandering around the house, looking for something to do. The house was fairly quiet...I think that Matt was out buying decorations, and Tom was in his room, ignoring everything. I also think that Edd is in the kitchen...which I mostly think because there is an AMAZING smell coming from there. And I've lived here long enough to know that that amazing smell would be Edd's incredible cooking.

I followed the smell like a dog to the kitchen. Yeah, I knew where it was, but that scent though! I trailed it like a snake, until I finally popped my head into the kitchen. Sure enough, there Edd was, pulling a cake out of the oven. I grinned at the sight I saw. An amazing cake in an amazing boy's hands.

"Heyyy Edd~" I greeted in a sing-song voice. He glanced at me, setting his cake down on a high shelf to cool. "Oh, heya, Y/N!" he greeted with a slight blush, smiling and taking off his oven mitts. My gaze followed the cake for a moment before I looked at him again, grinning. "That smells AWESOME! Baking for Christmas?" I asked him. He chuckled a bit and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah...thanks." he said, sorta quietly.

I chuckled in return at him, but my reason was because of his behavior. Y'see, Edd had a HUGE crush on me, and he was terrible at hiding it. It was pretty adorable, to be honest. The way he always seemed to blush around me, and chuckled and went shy every time I complimented him, and tried to get closer to me without me noticing all the was just adorable. Which is why I kinda like him back.

I shook away the thoughts, and watched as he pulled out another bowl. "Whatcha doin' now?" I asked him, curious. He started pulling a few things out of the cupboard. "I'm making the main dish now." he said, turning around and setting down the things he held, smiling at me. "The cookies!"

I perked up. "Ooh! Can I help? Can I?!" I asked excitedly, getting close to him. His blush darkened just a little, and he leaned back a tiny bit. "S-sure!" he said happily, though stuttering a bit. I grinned and backed away. "Yay!"

Then, I put on a serious face, found an apron, and tied it on. I stood next to him. "Okay. What's first?" He picked up the flour, and handed me the baking soda and salt. "Okay, so first..."

~Well, I don't normally do this in one-shots, but I don't know much about baking at all, so timeskip~

"Well, I think they turned out AWESOME!" I cheered as he pulled the cookies out of the oven. We had made them a while ago, and things went juuust a little badly. I had cut two fingers somehow, and we accidentally put in too much baking powder, and the shapes were all a little off...but it was fine! The whole time, Edd and I joked around and talked, and I noticed that he was sticking as close to me as possible. After we had put the cookies into the oven to cook, we sat together on the couch, watching the Christmas Special episode of "The Cats". Now, we were pulling them out, ready to decorate!

"It tastes...interesting." Edd said, grimacing slightly. I cocked my head to the side and tried mine, almost coughing. "I-it's pretty bitter..." I said, chuckling slightly. He nodded and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah..."

I perked up again. "W-well, let's just cover it up with icing! I'm sure we won't even notice after that!" I said cheerfully. He smiled at me for a few moments. "...Alright." he then said. "Let's do it."

"Yay!" I said, sitting at the table, already prepared to ice cookies. He chuckled and set the tray down on the table, sitting next to me. "Alright. We can't mess this up. Okay?" he told me a little sternly, looking directly into my eyes. I grinned at him and poked his nose. "Okie-dokie!" He rolled his eyes and smiled at my childishness, and blushed a little, which I giggled at.

And finally, we started icing them. That went a lot better than the cooking! We iced them and made them REAL pretty. During the icening, we messed around a little, playfully threatening to get icing on each other's faces and clothes and hair.

We now stood proudly, admiring our cookies. We both picked up one, looking at each other as a silent wish for luck, and bit into them. We chewed and swallowed, and then looked at each other again, grinning.

"It worked!" I said happily. You couldn't even taste the bitter! "I know, they're great!" Edd agreed, equally happily. I giggled and finished mine, as did he.

When we finished, I gave him a big, dumb grin. "You're so good at this kinda thing! You should teach me how to cook sometime!" I told him enthusiastically. He blushed, glancing down. "Pshaww...maybe I will sometime." he said a little shyly. Then, he looked up at me, and his eyes widened a little as he stifled a laugh at me.

I cocked my head to the side a little. "What?" I asked. He shook his head with a smile and walked up to me, and lifted his hand, gently grabbing my chin. My eyes widened and I blushed slightly as my mind suddenly burst with possible outcomes of...whatever was happening. I sort of tensed, but not much.

It was for nothing, though, as he simply used his other hand to wipe some icing off of my cheek. "Messy..." he said with a smile. I blushed a little in embarrassment, then looking down. "Thanks..." I mumbled, smiling but glaring at the floor.

After a moment or two, I realized that his hand was still holding my face. Looking back up at him, I saw him looking at me with a sort of confused face, his eyes slightly lidded, and blushing a bit darker. His overall behavior confused me as well. "E-Edd?" I questioned him. Then, I realized that he was leaning closer to me. My eyes widened and I blushed darker instantly. Then, I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing myself.

It was only a second before I felt his soft, slightly chapped lips against mine, giving me a soft, gentle kiss. I relaxed after a moment of this, and kissed back, smiling into it. Only now did I realize how long I've actually wanted this...

After we both finally broke apart, we looked at each other with big smiles. "So...uh, Y/N...will you be my-?

"Duh!" I said, cutting him off, hugging him. He laughed a little and hugged back.

A few minutes later, he spoke again. "Y'know what, Y/N, don't bother getting me anything for Christmas this year. Because as long as I have you, life itself is the only thing I want." he said. I smiled at his little speech. "Okay." I said.

It was another moment of silence before I spoke again. "You know I'm still gonna get you something, right?" I said. He nodded into my shoulder. "Yep."

AHHH, I hope this was good. I think I went a little OOC, which I am not used to here...but whatever. Hope it's okay enough, my shrubs!

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