I Do Care

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Tom x Depressed! Reader

Warning: Cutting and mentioning of suicide.

I was just sitting on my floor, staring off into space. I was crying again this morning...I keep waking up crying. It's because of the nightmares I keep having...memory nightmares. Nightmares where I'm back in school, being bullied, or where I'm at the scene of the car crash where my mother died, back when I was only 4...

I sat up, and glanced around my room, desperate to change my train of thought to something that wouldn't make me cry again. There wasn't much in my room...

Then, my eyes rested on a glittering object. My blade. The bloodstained blade I kept on my bedside table...nobody ever came in here, so it wasn't a problem that I kept it right there. My gaze shifted from the blade to my arms, then.

There were thin cuts lining the top parts of both of them. They weren't new, but they weren't necessarily old either. I think I made these three weeks ago...I had tried to stop for now.

Why I stopped?



I stepped out of my room after bandaging my bleeding arms. I wore a F/C hoodie over my clothes so that the guys couldn't see them, just in case. My face was slightly tearstained, but I didn't think they would notice. I was just going downstairs to get a drink...

Of course, getting a drink wasn't all that would happen.

Two of the boys were in the kitchen; Matt and Edd. They looked up at me, and their eyes widened as they saw my tearstained face and my messy hair. "Y/N, are you okay?" Edd asked, obviously concerned. "You look like you just climbed out of a hole!" Matt added.

So much for not noticable.

"Y-yeah, guys, I'm fine..." I said sort of quietly. Then, I looked around. "...Where's Tom?" I asked.

"Oh, Tom? He's out on his date with some girl he met a few days ago." Edd said, glancing at me.

My eyes widened at this. I swore I could feel my heart crack. "D-date...?" I repeated. My face paled and I almost stumbled. Edd turned to look at me fully. "Yeah, date. ...Y/N, are you sure you're okay?" he asked me. I shook my head and said nothing, then bolted to my room. I heard Edd call my name, but I didn't listen. I ran in and locked my door, and then sunk down to the floor, leaning against it.

Tom. The only good thing in my life. The only person who can make me smile, even when I just want to die. The one I truly love...was now seeing someone else. I could feel tears streaming down my face. Of course this would happen. Everything good is always taken away from me. Mom was, my friends were, and now Tom was...why does this world hate me...why? Why?!

"WHY?!" I yelled out.

Edd and Matt were on the other side of my door, knocking on it and talking to me. I wasn't listening though. Matt was sort-of-quietly freaking out, and Edd decided to call Tom. Tom knew I had my meltdowns...

As Tom was on his way, I stood up. I didn't know he was coming...I didn't care, either. I went over to my bedside stand, and looked at my blade. Tears flooding my eyes, I picked it up. What if...what if I just left? I mean, if he doesn't care so much that he can date some random girl...then what do I have to lose?

Nothing, that's what.

I brought the blade up to my neck. All it would take would be one simple slit...and then I could be happy...

But then I remembered the pain...it would hurt...

And not only that, but...

How would Tom feel?

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