Christmas! (2/3)

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Matt x Reader



Matt and I had been singing that, and we both laughed. Edd was snickering too. You see, we were purposely singing Christmas songs in terrible voices as we decorated the house for Christmas. Edd was on the roof, Matt was untangling the lights, and I was setting up the lawn ornaments. It worked pretty well, to be honest. I truly thought that it would wind up looking terrible, but it was going great. I mean, sure, we made little slip ups here and there, like we accidentally hung up a sign backwards, but other than that, it was great!

'Course, it could have been a little better...if a certain dumb ginger could just walk past the freaking front door mistletoe with me. I've always liked Matt, ever since we first met, back when I moved in because Tom was an old friend of mine. Sure, he was a narcissist and was kinda...stupid...but instead of thinking he was annoying, like Edd and Tom did, I found him interesting and lovable. He was always nice to me, and tried to make me happy whenever I felt down. Heck, just three weeks ago, I'd found out that my family's dog, Jasper, had passed. It hurt, as I had grown up with him, and I didn't want to leave my room for a day. Then, Matt came into the picture, and instead of doing what the other two did and tried to persuade me to come out of my room, he came in and comforted me throughout the day, hugging me whenever I needed it.

So now that I have a sort of chance to actually KISS the one I love, it was VERY annoying that he wouldn't go under with me.

"Hey, uh, Y/N? A little help, please?" I felt Matt's hand on my shoulder and heard him talking to me. I looked up. I hadn't realized, but Matt had been setting up a ladder, and was now holding a bunch of Christmas lights. He was holding the ladder with one hand, looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to go up it. I shook my thoughts from my head and rushed over to him. "Y-yeah, sorry!" I said, climbing up. He smiled and handed the lights up to me. "It's alright. Just be careful, okay?" he told me. I smiled back at him as I took the lights. "Got it. Thanks, Matt."

I was doing pretty well at putting up these lights, if I do say so myself. I was putting the lights up above our door and windows right now, trying to not fall. Matt wasn't exactly good at holding the ladder, as he kept getting distracted by the lights' pretty colors. It kinda scared me, as it kept wobbling. I was fine, though.

Or at least, I thought I was, until he accidentally bumped into the ladder. I came falling down with a short scream, bracing myself for the worst.

But it never came.

Instead, I found myself in a protective embrace. I blushed a bit as I felt his soft, fluffy hair brush gently against my cheek. " me..." I muttered, still a bit shocked. He barely moved as he answered. "Yeah...I kinda had to...Y/N, I'm sorry..." he said quietly, regret in his voice. I smiled gently and sort of half-hugged him. "It's okay..." I whispered. "I forgive you, Matt..."

We stayed like this for a moment or two, before I heard him chuckle. "I guess you've fallen for me then, huh?" he asked flirtily, bringing in his classic Matt flair. I blushed darker and swallowed, actually going for a move. "Yeah...I have..."

His eyes widened, and he pulled away enough to look at me from face down. "H-huh?" he asked, sort of flustered. I looked at him with widened eyes, no words forming in my mind. I had no clue what to say. For a split second, my eyes darted around, looking for a distraction, or SOMETHING to get me out of this situation.

Then, my eyes rested on something above me, and then widened. A smile grew on my face. And then, I finally took the chance I'd been waiting for all night. Grabbing Matt's overcoat collar with both hands, I pulled him in for a long-awaited kiss. He was definitely startled, but, much to my pleasure, he wound up kissing back. We kissed until we both had to part for breath, which wound up puffing out in little clouds of frosty fog.

He looked at me with a red face and wide eyes. "Y-Y/N...what was that for...?" he asked, slightly dazed. I giggled, equally red, and pointed up at the mistletoe we wound up under, and he followed my gaze, realizing. Then, he looked at me again, hope sparking in his eyes.

"Oh...b-but that...that meant something...right?" he asked, sort of nervously, tapping his two pointer fingers together. I smiled and hugged him again, this time pulling him close, making him give a little "eep!". "Of course it meant something, ya goof. I love you." I finally confessed, full of some sort of confidence. Slowly, but surely, he hugged back. "I-I love you too." Again, we stayed like this for a few minutes, before one of us spoke. This time, though, it was me.

"It may be a few days early, but...merry Christmas, Matt."

And a little bonus for you all...

Suddenly, a bright, white flash shone, and a clicking sound was heard.



Right. I'd forgotten he was out here too...

Why can't Matt kiss me under a mistletoe ;^;
Anyways, hope you enjoyed.

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