Fun Times

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Tord x Trigger Happy! Reader

Another one of my favorites.

Also, you are a female in this one.

I was heading for the shooting range. I fricking loved shooting...Hell, I loved guns in general. Yeah, I know, I sound like a bad guy...but I'm really not. I just like shooting things.

Okay maybe that's not okay, but I don't care.

That's what shooting ranges were for.

And speaking of shooting ranges...

I drove in through the gates of the range, parked, entered, and went up to the counter. I handed over my gun and showed the lady at the counter my license, and after a few minutes, she let me in. There were targets and two other people there. They were far off, though. I smiled. I had an entire half of the range to myself.

I shot at one of the targets for a while. My aiming was mostly a little off, but I was still pretty close. I was still enjoying my solitude, too. At least, until someone else came in.

A man with silver eyes and caramel hair in the shape of two horns walked over to a place near me. He carried an old-looking rifle, and he stopped about ten feet away from me. I glanced at him with a glare for a minute before focusing on my shooting again. I aimed, annnd...


"Ha haa, fuck yeah!" I said. I got it RIGHT IN THE CENTER.


Devil-hair dude looked over at me, sorta impressed and also surprised. I looked back and smirked slightly. "What, never see a girl shoot good before?" I asked teasingly. He rolled his eyes and looked away before looking at me again and smiling. "Yeah, I guess I haven't. Impressive." he said. He had a thick Norwegian accent. I blushed slightly; nobody ever complimented me.

"Thanks." I said. He nodded in acknowledgement before looking through the lens on his rifle, aiming, and shooting. He hit the target easily.

I gaped as he did it four more freaking times before he looked up and grinned casually. Then, he turned, and looked at my awestruck expression. "What? Never see someone shoot this good?" he asked, as a not-so-smooth attempt to copy what I said earlier. I didn't care about his mess-up, though. I was too amazed.

Then, I regathered myself. "How are you so good?!" I exclaimed. He laughed. "I've had a lot of practice." he responded with a wink. I ignored this wink, and he gave a flat face.

Then, he seemed to get an idea, as he smirked. "Y'know, I could show you how to shoot better." he told me. I looked at his smirk and raised a brow. "Is that just an attempt to get closer to me?" I asked. His eyes widened a little and he seemed to become slightly flustered. "Uh...n-nooo..." he said. I laughed and walked over to him. "You're a bad liar. Alright, what do I do?" I asked, holding up my gun. He shook his head slightly, chasing away his own thoughts. "A-alright. So..."

~Timeskip brought to you by the fact that I know nothing about guns :P~

With the dude's help, I managed to aim much better. During the time he was helping me, I wore a confident look, while he blushed slightly every time we wound up making physical contact.

After about two hours of us shooting and talking, we were both sort of worn out. It had been fun, though. I had grown to like the sorta-awkward Norski shooter's company. We both had to go back to our homes, though, so, together, we exited the building.

As we walked outside, he spoke to me again. "Sooo..." he started. "So." I responded, making him glare at me playfully. "Rude. It's not nice to interrupt." he said. I rolled my eyes. "We both know that you have no idea what to say right now." I said. He looked down. "Point taken."

I chuckled. "Alright, seriously though. I had a lotta fun today." I said. He looked up at me again, wearing a smile. "Me too. Aye, y'think we could meet up sometime soon?" he asked, sounding a little awkward. I smiled back. "I'd like that." I said. Then an idea came along. "'Ere, gimme yer phone." I said, pulling out my own and handing it to him. Confused, he took mine and pulled out his own, which I took. "Uh...why, exactly?" he asked. I rolled my eyes again and entered his contacts. "So we can exchange numbers, ya twat." I said. He nodded in understanding and entered his number into my phone.

After we each returned each other's phones, we started parting ways. "I'll see ya soon, a'ight?" I told him, starting to back up. He nodded. "Sounds great." Then, we started walking in opposite directions.

I kept walking to my car until I heard his voice again. "Wait!" he shouted. I turned to see him running over to me. "Yeah?" I asked, slightly concerned. He stood up straight in front of me and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "I, uh...never got your name." he said, slightly embarrassed. I gave him a 'seriously' face, and then smiled. "The name's Y/N." I said. He smiled. "Nice. I'm Tord." he said. I smiled back. "Weird. But cool." I said. Then, I kissed him on the cheek, flustering him and making him blush. "Now get outta here." I said, then getting into my car, a grin on my face. He nodded and ran off to his own car. I watched him go before pulling out and starting to drive home, still smiling.

I couldn't wait to see him again.

Next up:
Tom x Depressed! Reader

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