Brother PLEASE-

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Drunk! Tom x Reader

(Gosh darnit, bro, I told ya to stop. hhhhhhhh-)

"Goddammit, Tom, would ya get up already?!"


I sighed in annoyance. A certain blue-wearing spiky-haired drunkee was currently sprawled out on the living room floor under me. One of my hands was on my hip, the other pinching the bridge of my nose. Of course I would get stuck dealing with this. Edd had at one point came out of his room and had seen Tom like this, but he just walked back into his room after seeing him, saying "Nope". Asshat. Matt and, actually, I wouldn't trust either of them with Tom. Matt would probably get distracted and drop him down the stairs, and Tord...well, he wouldn't do it on accident.

Anyways. Tom was just lying on the floor, arms and legs spread out. His hoodie and shirt were riding up a little, exposing a bit of his skin. The messy moron. He wasn't really doing anything, aside from giggling like a drunken idiot. Which he was.

He was also hugging my foot, which was the only reason why I wasn't picking him up from off of the floor and dragging him up to his room. I'd already tried kicking him off, but it was in vain. Curse this man's strength. So, I was stuck here.

My hands both fell to my sides, and I looked down at him again. Giggling still, he now had the side of his face pressed against my leg, along with his arms still around it. I blushed a tiny bit as he looked up at me. He honestly looked like an adorable child right now. "Tom, what are you doing?" I asked, my own cheeks a faint pink.

He giggled a little more. "Yyyer bllushin'...iss kyoot!" he slurred. This made me blush even more, and I covered my mouth with one hand, looking away. He giggled even more at this, which made me blush a bit darker and squeak a bit, which made him start to laugh. I was caught in a vicious circle.

Finally, I moved my hand, and fell to the floor. This caused Tom to squeak in surprise. I landed in a sitting position, my legs crossed. I then folded my arms.

"If you don't have to get up, then neither do I." I said to him, my eyes narrowed a bit. A big smile slowly crept onto his face, and after a moment or two, he lunged himself at me, and wound up hugging my waist, his head laying on my lap.

By now, I was as red as a cherry. But, I didn't really care anymore. I had to admit, though a bit embarassing, this was enjoyable. The man I had grown to love was snuggling into me...even if it wasn't while sober, it still made my heart feel like it was going to burst.

I couldn't stay like this, though. We were still at the bottom of the stairs, and it wouldn't be smart to stay down here, now would it? So, I took a moment to brainstorm ideas for how I would get the snuggly drunk upstairs. I glanced down at him. He nuzzling my stomach, holding me tight. Suddenly, his cuddly behavior gave me an idea. "Tommy~..." I purred softly, getting his attention. "Mm?" he hummed.

"If you go upstairs for me, I'll cuddle with you~..." I mumbled softly. At this, he looked up at me with wide eyes, and then, slowly, he backed off of me. I smiled at him in encouragement, and stood up. He sat up on the floor, and then proceeded to try and stand up. He stumbled as he stood, so I quickly ran beside him, and then helped him stand.

Helping him to walk properly, we headed up the stairs, and then went to his room. Once we got in, I shut his door, and he stumbled over to his bed and flopped on it, his arms spread. I chuckled a bit at his behavior and walked over to him. "Alright...scoot over, ya oaf." I laughed. He giggled and rolled over, making room for me. Shaking my head a bit, I got up onto his bed and layed down next to him, my cheeks tinted pink. He grinned and wrapped his arm around me, and nuzzled his face into my chest. I blushed a bit darker at his action, but I wasn't complaining. After all, he wasn't doing it with any bad thoughts in mind. Instead of moving him, I giggled and held him close to me, and rested my head in his mess of a hairdo. We took a few moments to get comfy, and after that, we just enjoyed each others presence.

After a bit, I had thought that he had fallen asleep, and I sighed a short sigh. But, I was wrong. He quickly pulled his head away and looked up at me, and snuck a quick little kiss. It felt as though my face had lit on fire, and I looked at him in pure wide-eyed shock. He giggled a bit. "Ah lllove chu, Y/Nnn..." he mumbled, and then yawned. After that, he went back to his previous position, and soon enough, he fell asleep, for real this time.

I slowly let myself smile. A drunk man's actions are a sober man's thoughts, and that meant one thing: if he kissed me, then he loved me. I had to stop myself from squealing in happiness. It took a few minutes, but I eventually calmed my mind enough to enjoy this moment for what it was.

Thoughts running through my head, I wound up falling asleep as well, still cuddling him. His body heat and presence in general was all I needed to have plenty of good dreams. Though, honestly, I couldn't wait for us to wake up. I'm confessing to him tomorrow, if he doesn't remember this. And if he does, well... that'll be interesting, alright.

Either way, I can't wait for my happy ending.

Oof, I hope this is good. I tried to do something that wasn't like all the other oneshots like this one, but I dunno if I succeeded in that. Eh, I tried.

Next up:
Red Leader x Failed Experiment! Child! Reader

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