Christmas! (3/3)

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Tom x Reader


(A bit too well...)


"Because we can't!!"

Edd and Tom were currently in the living room, arguing over who was going to get the tree for this year. Tom REALLY didn't want to, but Edd insisted. "Matt and I have to sort the decorations here, so we can't go!" Edd told him. "Well, why can't Y/N go get it, then?" Tom asked, frustrated. Edd raised a brow and put his hands on his hips. "Tom, you KNOW Y/N hates driving in the snow." he stated. Then, he put his hands in his pockets and half smiled at Tom. "C'mon, please? You don't even have to pick one out, just get the first one you see!" he said, trying his best to persuade him. Tom glared at Edd for a few moments, knowing that he can't get out of this. Then, he sighed. "Fine. I'll go get your stupid tree." he grumbled.

Just then, I came storming downstairs, Matt trailing behind me, laughing. "MATT, TURN THAT CRAP OFF!!" I exclaimed, turning to him. He was currently playing Christmas music, see. He just giggled for a moment. "Ehh...nah." he said teasingly, turning it up a bit more.

See, before I continue, let me clarify something. I, like Tom, am not a big fan of Christmas. Sure, free stuff is nice, and the whole "Meaning of Christmas" thing was amazing, but everything else? I HATED IT. I hated the busy shops, the children being even louder than usual, the blinding, flashing lights on every house, and - most of all - the Christmas music. I just wish it would all burn.

Which is exactly why I carry around matches in December.

I growled in annoyance, and went over to Tom and Edd. "Guys, PLEASE say I can come with Tom!" I pleaded, desperate to escape. "Well, I-"

"Yeah, you can come." Tom told me, cutting Edd off, and taking my hand. I took no notice of this gesture, but Edd raised an eyebrow. Tom ignored it, turning around. "Alright, let's go." he said simply, starting to walk away. Quickly giving Edd a little wave, I followed after him.

We both got into the truck that Edd had borrowed from Eduardo, simply for the tree. Starting up and pulling out, we almost immediately hit the road. I knew it would be a while before we got there; about forty minutes. I hoped it wouldn't be silent the whole time...

And my hopes were answered. About five minutes in, Tom finally spoke. "So, you don't like Christmas either, eh?" he asked me, not taking his eyes off of the road. I looked over at him, glad that we finally spoke. "Nah, not really. I really hate the songs." I told him. He chuckled slightly. "I can tell. You looked like you wanted to knock Matt out." Then it was my turn to chuckle. "To be honest, I kinda did. But I more just wanted to burn his damn phone..."

Tom glanced over at me, his eyes widening some. "So you feel the need to light things on fire, too?" he asked, obviously interested. I nodded. "Yeah. How could I not? I even have matches with me." I told him. He looked back at the road fully, smiling slightly. "Hah. So I'm not the only one."

A few minutes later, after a silence had broken out, I glanced over at Tom, and saw that he was smirking slightly. "Whatcha thinking about?" I asked him. He glanced at me for a quick second. "Ah- well, I just got an idea." he told me in a vague way. I cocked my head to the side. "Whaaat for?" I asked. He let out a low chuckle, and hesitated for a moment, seeming to be gathering words. Then, he spoke. "You wanna have some 'holiday fun'?" he asked me, smirking slyly as ideas blossomed.

I was confused. "What do you mean?" He chuckled again. "Alright, here's my plan..."

~A Christmas Special timeskip to when they get to the farm~

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