You Know Me

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Pat x Depressed! Reader


Why do I feel like this?

Why do I feel sad all the time?

I know why.

I'm depressed.

Yeah, I just say it. I mean, sure, a lot of people want others to think that they're fine. But to be honest, I found that a little dumb. Why hide it? I let others know. It's better than leaving them in the dark.

By 'them', I mean Pau and Pat. I live with them in a large apartment. They were, by far, my closest friends. They know very well that I'm like...this. They've always known.

They take it in different ways, of course. Pau, he was kind of awkward, so he always tried to leave me alone when I felt down, due to him thinking he'll only make things worse. Pat, on the other hand, didn't leave me alone at all when I felt down. He would get me things, and talk to me, and comfort me. He would hug me, and play with my hair, and rub my back, like a mother would. It always helped.

To be honest, because of him doing this, I had developed feelings of romance for him. I mean, come on. He's sweet, kind, he can be funny, he's definitely handsome, and, most importantly, he cares about me.

And, he makes me feel happy.

More than anyone else.

So there's no reason to not love him, at least a little bit.

Anyways, today was...well, pretty uneventful. We mostly had just wandered around the apartment and played our phones all day. By now, it was evening. The three of us were currently sitting on our couch, watching some pointless show. I was feeling a little down, but it wasn't that bad. If it got any worse, I would tell the boys. Simple.

Of course, it did get worse. It always does. And as soon as I felt it get worse, I looked at Pat, and gently tugged on the sleeve of his yellow hoodie. As soon as I did, his attention snapped to me. "Hm?" he hummed, looking into my E/C eyes. I didn't have to answer, because it was visable in my expression, but I spoke anyways. "It's back again, Pat..." I mumbled, holding onto his arm by now.

He already could tell, the moment he looked at me. He gave me a small smile, and then, in a soft voice, he spoke. "Come here, then." he said. I scooted over, cuddling into his side. He then wrapped his arm around me, his hand winding up on my back, swirling little, comforting lines.

Pau looked over at us, and gave a small smile at the sight. Awwww! was all that he thought. He stayed for a short moment, taking in the adorable sight of his best friends cuddling, before standing up and walking to his room, leaving them to their moment.

I had rested my head on his lap, facing him. He now had his other hand - the one that wasn't tracing circles on my back - in my hair, fingers gently running through it, like he always did. I now had a small smile. It definitely worked, it always did. I was starting to feel okay again.

He had taken notice of the fact that I was feeling okay again, of course. He always was quite observant. But, that didn't mean he stopped. No, he only pulled me a little closer, and wound up snaking his arms underneath of me, holding me in them.

This, he had never done before. It honestly surprised me. It flustered me a little, too. I looked up at him, a faint blush dusting my cheeks. He still had that soft little smile, and he flashed it straight at me.

My blush turned a shade darker, and I could feel my expression soften. I gave him a small, gentle smile as a returning gesture to his. I then sat up a bit, scooting upwards. He was still holding me, but he had loosened his hands, making it so that I could freely move. I wound up against him on the side, my arms wrapped around one of his. This position was definitely more comfortable.

He turned to me, eyes staring into mine. "Feeling better now, yeah?" he asked me. I nodded a little. "Mmhm." I hummed. Then, I squeezed his arm a little. "B-but don't...don't go yet." I quickly added, feeling my own blush burn. Now, why the hell did I say that out loud? Now he's gonna think I-

"Of course. I'm enjoying this, honestly. Why would I go?"

Wait. What.

I looked at him with slightly widened eyes, my smile growing a tiny bit. "O-oh really? That's good." I stated, tilting my head down, glancing away. A few stray strands of hair fell into my face from moving. He chuckled a tiny bit and used his free arm's hand to brush the hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear.

What happened next was honestly kind of cliché. Instead of his hand retreating back to his side, like I had expected it to, it trailed down the side of my face, and rested in a position so that it was holding my chin. He was now looking at me in a focused way, one that I recognized. It was the look he always had when he was trying to make a decision.

I was pretty sure I knew what that decision was. I wanted him to do it, truthfully. If he did it, then it would mean that he loved me back. And if he loved me back, well...

That would be great.

By now, there had been a few extra moments in this pause. It was becoming slightly awkward. To make it worse, Pat was beginning to look unsure. I decided to take charge here. Holding onto his arm a tiny bit tighter, I leaned close to him, and without giving him a chance to process what was happening, I connected my lips with his. It felt as though a magical bomb had just been set off in my chest, making flowers of hope bloom, birds of trust sing, and dewdrops of love sparkle bright. It was utterly amazing, even if it only lasted for a short moment.

When I pulled away, he had wide eyes, a pale red blush was on his cheeks, and he wore a small smile. He looked as though he enjoyed that. I know I did. The smile on my face proved it. "Wow, Y/N...I never thought that you'd be the first one to kiss the other..." he said, slightly quietly. I shrugged a little. "I'm not used to it. But it felt right." I simply said. Pat nodded.

Then, he looked at me with that soft expression again. "But in all seriousness, Y/N...I need to tell you that I meant that kiss. I...I really care about you. More than anyone else. You are my love, my life. Even though you have your struggles I still love all of you. Okay?" he told me, sounding sure of himself that whole time.

I found myself with a smile that was growing bigger and bigger the more he spoke. When he finished, I nodded, and let go of his arm. My arms then found themselves being wrapped around something else- Pat himself. "I love you too, Pat!" I said blissfully, which was new for me, but I liked the feeling. He laughed a tiny bit and hugged me back, embracing me in a way that only lovers would. It felt warm, caring, and in general loving. It felt like he was telling me he would never leave me, just without the words. I wondered to myself if maybe he actually was thinking that, and I had read his thoughts. It didn't sound that likely, but hey, it was possible.

Either way, I believed it. I believed he would never leave me. After all...

He was meant to complete me.

Next up:
Werewolf! Mark x Neko! Reader

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