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***Jeremys POV***

I finally had the girl of my dreams.
I could finally call the most beautiful girl of the whole school mine.

After I got rid of the Squip I luckily found the courage to ask Christine out and she said yes.

We went on a date together. Just the two of us eating ice cream and talking. 
It was nice and we laughed a lot.
When I walked her home she kissed me.

It wasn't what I expected. I always dreamed their would be firework and the whole world would stop spinning.
But I guess that doesn't happen in real life.

Nevertheless it felt kinda good, so I asked her if she would like to be my girlfriend and happily she said yes.

And now I have to tell the good news to my best friend Michael! He was always there for me, he also helped me getting her. I can't wait to see his face.

On the other hand something tells me not to tell him. I don't know why. I just feel like this.

I walk down the street to his house, before I knock on his door.
My heart pound really fast.

Why am I nervous? It is just Michael!
Michael, my best friend. Michael, I knew for 12 years. There is no reason to be angsty. He probably will be happy for me.


My thoughts get interrupted by the philippine boy with the brightest smile I have ever seen. I love his smile. It makes me feel pleased and safe. And it also makes him even cuter.

Wait what!?
No, I mean... He isn't cute.

Okay, That was a lie! Honestly he is the cutest pewson I know. But I don't like him that way... right?

I mean I am not gay!

No, I definitely don't like him that way! We are just friends and Christine is my girlfriend. I like her.

"Jeremy! Jeremy? Are you there?"
Michael waves his hand in front of my face.
He looks down to me with a concerned expression on his face. O shit, I probably zoned out.

"Uh... Sorry! Hi, Michael!" I give him a apologetic smile bringing back his typical silly smile.

"Hey! What are you doing here?"
Right, I forgot to call him to announce my visit. Now I was concerned that he isn't happy about my visit, maybe telling him wasn't a good idea. "Sorry I didn't told you that I come around. If you don't have time. I will leave!"

I already turned around when Michael grabbed my shoulder.
"Hey, calm down, buddy. Everything is fine! I always have time for you."

I exhale in relief what makes him laugh. Then he takes my hand and pulls me inside and down the stairs to his basement.

I am still pretty nervous and still don't have a idea why. It's just Michael!
We got stoned in his basement several times before.

----------------a few hours later---------------

At first we just played Mario Kart and got high. But then the atmosphere got more and more heated. Every time Michaels gets high he becomes very confident.
So we ended up in the beanbags talking and giggling.

"I am starting to get tired!" I say and turn to Michael who looks at me with big puppy eyes. Gosh he is so fucking adorable.

"Hey, no swearing! Even if I think you are adorable as well!" He gives me a wink.
Shit!? Did I said that out loud?
Wait a minute.... He thinks I am adorable?

"Yes, I think so!" He gives me a bright smile, before he turns back to a serious expression. Damn it, I should stop telling my thoughts...

"And I don't care if you are tired, you will stay up with me up all night!" He leans closer to me and I blush. High Michael is pretty good at flirting. I don't now what to respond when Michael continues talking:

"Have you ever kissed someone before?"

I feel his breathe and his eyes stare directly in mine. My stomach is turning.
What is wrong with me?

I still haven't told Michael about me and Christine and right now I don't want to.
All I want is to stare in these beautiful eyes for forever... So I stay quiet!

Suddenly Michael laughs and pulls back.
Leaving me with mixed feelings.
Before I could think about it I ask:
"And what about you?
Have you kissed someone before?"

Without hesitation he says: "Yes!"
I feel like someone punched me.
Who in this whole world kissed Michael?
They definitely didn't had the right to.
Why didn't he told me?
My face turns cold: "Who?"

RICH!? Michael is gay?
Stop, stop, stop!
Michael likes Rich?

Michael looks at me with amusement.
"We went on one or two dates a wile ago."
My confusion turns into anger.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
He looks down to his shoes.
"There was so much going on and it was kind of a secret."
He keeps secrets from me?

"You keep secrets from me???
I thought I was your best friend!"
I almost scream, the thought of Michael and Rich going out hurts like hell.

"Jeremy, I am sorry. But your whole world was spinning around how YOU could impress Christine!"
Christine... right I forgot about her.
Why should I care about Michaels relationship when I have my own...

But I had one last question:
"Do you love him?"
Before he could answer I intuitive do a really really big Mistake and kiss him.

It is amazing! First he was surprised, then he kisses back. His lips feel so good on mine. He tastes like weed and vanilla, much like him. My heart starts to jump up and down and I feel like on a rollercoaster.
He pulls me closer and my hands
Find their way to his neck. The kiss becomes more passionate every second. When we parted I only want more.

"You kiss so much better then Christine!"


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