It' been a while

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Jeremys PoV

I enter a small cafe in New York. Today is my first day in the big city. I just moved here and don't know anyone. Well, I know one person, but this person still doesn't know that I am here. His name is Michael Mell.
Back in Highschool we were best friends. I even had a crush on him, but I was way to afraid to tell him...

After school I went to a college near my hometown, but Michael moved to New York. It was always his big (secret) dream to ho to the NYADA and become a broadway star.
At the beginning we texted a lot and visited each other as often as possible, but somehow we lost contact. Would he be happy that I live here?

I order a hot chocolate and wait when the waitress hands me my order I turn to leave and bump in somebody.
"Watch it!" I would recognize that voice everywhere!
The Philippine boy, no MAN in front of me raises his head! "Jer?"
Without hesitating he engulfs me in a warm hug, he smells amazing. Like Vanilla and Weed just like in high school. After he let go of me, he looks me up and down giving me the time to do the same. He isn't as chubby as before (which I never minded) and looks more manly in general. I didn't that it would be possible, but he got even more attractive...

"You look great! What are you doing here", asks Michael. After I explained the whole situation to him, we start talking about everything. About our old friends, new video games and our "careers".

And suddenly it felt like we were never apart, we laugh and smile and joke around just like when we were younger and I can't help but getting lost in his beautiful brown eyes!

"A PERCY JACKSON MUSICAL?" I can't help but laugh after he told me about his current gig. "Yes, a Percy Jackson Musical and mahal ko is fantastic as Grover AND Mr D!", an unknown voice says.

I turn around to see a man, about my height, tanned skin, with a thousand freckles, brown curled hair and beautiful hazel eyes. He looks stunning, but did he just called Michael "his love" or is it just me?

Micheal told me once that he would like his future partner to call him that... could it be that... No! Right?

But the next thing, the handsome guy does, destroys all my hopes, he gets closer and gives Michael a small peck on the lips making him blush. Something in me clenches at this view.

"You used the nickname!" Michael says with a bright smile. "Of course! I know how much you love it!" The guy winks at him making him giggle. An adorable sound: Michael giggling! Almost lovestruck, no scratch that definitely lovestruck! And Mr. Handsome is the reason!

"Jer, this is John Laurens!" He introduces him than adding: " fiance..." A hesitant smile on his face while John looks at Michael like he is the most important thing in the world! Which he is and John knows that! He knows that he has the freaking top prize, at least I hope that for him!

But my stomach turns, cause I just lost the chance to be with the most beautiful person ever!

"Congratulations!" I give them my best fake smile! "It was nice meeting you again and getting to know you! I hope we meet again! But I have to go for now!" I turn around and leave without looking back.

The next weeks are torture! Michael and I start texting and we meet often to drink coffee together, just the two of us and we talk, we talk a lot!

And no matter how hard I try not to, I can't help but fall for him!
He is just so kind and cute, his smile can light up the whole world and all I want to do is making him smile! But then John shows up and Michaels smile is suddenly even brighter than before just like Johns.

John makes Michael happy, what a bad friend would I be to get between them, so I stand back and watch them, they are probably meant to be, the way they adore each other, the way they look at the other when they look in a different direction and the way they get really touchy, like they couldn't live without the touch of the other!

And as long Michael is happy, I am happy... What could a broken heart even do to me?

Their wedding day is creeping closer and closer. I help Michael picking his food, the flowers, the location and even the suit. I guess I just want this to be the best day of his life!

He asked me to be hist best man and I accepted! How stupid! Why dud I say yes, when I won't even be there?

Probably cause I can't say no to him, no matter how hard I try, cause I love him with all my life! And the second he will be the husband of John, the love of his life, he will never see me again! It's the best for both of us!

All I do is leaving a note in his dressing room:

Dear Michael,
I am sorry I didn't made it, no, that's a lie, I never planned on coming, I am sorry, but I love you and I want you to be happy and you only can be happy with John! So I stay back! I hope you two live happily ever after! And you get the life you dreamed of! It was nice knowing you! Please forgive me!

Love, Jeremy

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