Laser Tag

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(Warning: This one is going to be very cliché!)

Jeremys PoV

Rich celebrates his birthday today. He turned eighteen two days ago and normally he would have thrown a party, but after the halloween party he and Jake wanted do to something different. So we decided on Laser Tag. Since the squip thing Rich is one of our (mine and Michaels) closest friends.

Rich and I even share similarities, we are both bisexual and both have crushes on our best friends, but other than mine his crush likes him back, they are in a relationship and annoying as hell!
Yeah, I like Michael, but he seems to be straight, so... whatever! Life hoes on!

I probably were lost in thoughts when my door rings, I grab my jacket and run outside, Michaels stands there leaning on his PT Cruiser. Woah, he looks amazing! Instead of his hoodie, which I personally adore, he wears just a Creeper Shirt, that same he wore on last halloween, damn those memory make me feel really bad.

In Michaels car I already see Brooke.
"Hey, Jer! Do you have the present for Rich?"

I smile and show the package in my hand. We got him a top with the kermit the frog me on it saying:

 We got him a top with the kermit the frog me on it saying:

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Yeah, it is kinda mean, cause you know... it was a suicide attempt... but on the other side, Rich got over it and now we can laugh about it!
I know that that sounds fucked up, but we are really good friends. I promise!

The drive takes about half an hour, than we arrive at the laser tag arena.
Rich, Jake, Chloe, Jenna and Christine are already waiting for us. Originally Rich wanted to invite Madeleine as well, but Chloe freaked out and reminded him of the story with Madeleine and Jake.

While the most of them look bored and a bit annoyed Rich and Jake make out. "Hey!" Brooke squeals and engulfs Chloe in a hug, making both of them blush. How can somebody be this oblivious?

Finally Rich lets go of Jake and greets us. I proudly hand him the present over. He rips the red wrapping as fast as possible then he holds the top up. As soon as Jake sees it he dies from laughing. Rich just rolls his eyes, but needs to hide his grin. "Thank you very much, guys, really funny! May the sarcasm hit you!"

Jake laughs even more grabbing Richs waist and kisses his cheek.
"Ugghh... Stop that! Or I am going to throw up!" Christine yells at them.
"Thank you, Chris!" Michaels say and high fives her.
What does that mean...
Does Michael not like couples? Does he even want a relationship?
Okay, Jer, don't think about it, you are pathetic! Today you are just going to enjoy Richs Birthday!

We go inside and get our protective vests, then we have to form two teams.

"Jeremy is with me!" Rich drags me to his side. "Then I take Michael!", Jake says. Michael walks to him without hesitating. "What!? No! I want to be in a team with Michael!" I protest, but Michael just smiles. "What? Are you afraid that I will beat your ass?"

"Kinky!" Rich winks at me why I hit him while blushing like an idiot.

We finally separated in teams. We got Jenna and Christine which could be helpful. Christine will make a role play out of it and act like a crazy tiger. And Jenna would do anything to protect Chris, especially when she is out of control!

The game is so much fun, it feels like our video games. We already eliminated Brooke, cause she didn't wanted to shoot at anyone, so Christine shoot her, which made Chloe freak out and shoot Christine.

"You, bastard! I will kill you!" I hear Jenna yell, than a high pitched scream. In the next second Chloe falls stagy to the floor while Jenna stands next to her, looking pretty satisfied. Jack uses her distraction to get near to her and dispose her.

Rich smirks at me. "Well, now it is you and me, Jer! Would you like to be my player two?" He offers me his hand. I return the grin and take his hand.
"I would love too! Let's make it a Two-Player Game"

I think I see jealousy in Michaels expression, but just for the split of a second, then he runs away followed by Jake who looked like he wanted to kill me.

"Okay, lets split! You go that way and I go the other!" Then he disappears right away. What? Wait a minute!? Didn't he said that we will stick together like a minute ago!?

I stumble through the area, my laser gun ready for action. When I suddenly hear a voice behind me.

"There you are, baby boy!"
Baby boy...? Who calls me baby boy?
But in a weird way it sounds attractive.

I turn around to see Michael standing in front of me. He looks like an war god standing there in the vest and his gun pointed at me.

"H-Hey... we are friends! You wouldn't shoot me, right?"
I look at him with big puppy eyes, but he just laughs at me.

Then he steps closer to me till our noses touch. What the devil is going on? I am deeply red at the moment and I am pretty sure that he feels my unnaturally fast heartbeat.

"I thought you replaced me?"
He asks me teasingly. Is he playing games? With... me?
I simply shake my head.

"I thought so!" His voice is extremely deep and calm, god, why does he have to be so hot?
Catching me of guard he leans in and our lips collide. At first I don't know what to do, but Michael takes lead. The kiss gets really passionate and all I want is more. It is not the first kiss I always dreamed of, the cute silly one, but it is amazing. I try to inhale the moment. His smell of weed and vanilla, his soft skin, his smooth hair I grabbed wanting more.

Damn it! Then I feel a sharp pain, he just shot me! This fucking asshole used me to win this fucking game! What a bitch!

"Don't take it personal, babe!"

Then he takes a step back, but before he turns away, he strokes my cheek.

"Remember: I am your only player one!" He winks at me and turns away.

Was- Was he jealous?

This is the greatest day in my life!

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