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Michael has been blind since his birth. But it hasn't bothered him in any way. He doesn't know life otherwise. It has always been like that. And of course there were always people supporting him.
There were his lovely and caring parents, his dachshund Pac and his best friend Jeremy.
He met Jeremy 12 years ago. The at the time little boy was the only one who treated him like a normal person and Michael loved him for that.
He still loves him, but in a different way, in a more-than-just-friends way, but he would never tell this. He couldn't risk to loose him!

One day they went to the park together. Michael loves the park. There is so much to resorb. The smell of the grass and flowers, the laugh of little children, barking dogs and the feeling of the sun shining on his skin. It is a warm feeling, it makes everything a bit brighter. That is why spring is his favorite season, there are so much more sensations. And whenever they visited the park Jeremy hold his hand to guide him, even when the Filipino knew every path by heart.

After walking a while, they sat down next to the small river that crosses the park. Michael listened to the rivers ripple. That noise made him thoughtful. Before thinking it through he asked Jeremy a question:

"What are colors like?"

It seemed like everything turned silent. He regretted asking this. He will probably never know. It is just not meant to be. To be honest: He liked himself and didn't wanted to be different, but he was also really curious.

"It's hard to explain..."

Yeah, the answer he always heard.

"But I will try!"

That is new.

"So in fact seeing is like eating.
And colors are like flavors.

They make everything special and different.
A world without colors is like a meal without taste!"

Michael was shocked, he didn't knew what to say or think! He just wanted to listen.

Do you hear the water?
It is blue! Blue is refreshing just like water. And the sky is blue, blue also seems infinite like the sky.

Oh and do you know strawberries? They are sweet and their color is red. Red is a sweet and warm color, it stands for love.

Do you feel the grass? It is green, green is a powerful color, like the nature. But also fresh, like salad.

And you love chocolate, right?"

Jeremy was so passionate that Michael almost giggled, The smaller boy was so cute.

"Chocolate is melting on your tongue. It is almost soft just like its color: brown.
But brown can also be like dark chocolate, than it is called dark brown, sometimes dark brown can be a bit bitter as well, but it also can be a warm color, just like your hair!"

Jeremy ran his hand through Michaels hair. Not knowing what that did to the taller guy whose hearts beat faster than ever before. But instead of pulling back he leaned in.

"And what color has your hair?", he whispered close to the other boys ear.

Jeremys voice cracked: "Brown"

"What kind of brown?" He smirked when he heard him stumble: "G-Guess!"

Michaels hand gripped the teenage boys hair and pulled him closer. "The soft one!"

He felt Jeremys breath when he spoke: "Right!"

He is kinda proud of himself and touched lightly the others cheek before saying:

"What color have your cheeks?"

"The color of my skin, it is really pale!"
His voice sounded confused.

But that wasn't what Michael meant, ignoring the fact that even if, Michael wouldn't know what pale exactly is.

"No! No! I meant: What color do they have right now?"

Jeremy sounded even more confused:
"How did you know they have a different color right now?"

Michael laughed quietly:
"They feel really warm!"

Jeremys cheek got even more heated.

"They are red!"

"Red? Like strawberries? Like... the color of love?"

Jeremy leaned in a little bit more: "Exactly!" Then he connected their lips.

It was a bit strange at first, but they got used to it. They deepened the kiss and Michael noticed that Jeremy in fact tasted like strawberries. What a lovely coincidence and Michael in fact loved it!

When they pulled apart, both gasped for air. Jeremy just managed to say: "That was amazing!"

"You are amazing! Thanks for being there for me whenever I need you, thanks for treating me the same and thanks for that amazing answer to the question no one else could answer me before!"

Jeremy gripped the others hoodie: "I love you, Michael Mell!"

And kissed him again

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