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Jeremy's PoV

I am on my way to my best friends house, Michael acted strangely later and I plan to confront him about it.
He is really important to me, I mean he is my best friend, my favorite person, I care more about him than everyone else.

I knock at his door and wait, maybe something happened, maybe something is wrong, maybe I did something wrong! I have to find out!

His Mom opened the door looking surprised. "O hey, Jeremy! What are you doing here?" Probably Michael don't want to see me, probably he will be pissed. But it is too late to turn back.

"Hey, Mrs. Mell, I wanted to see Michael!" I smile as bright as possible, which is hard, I'd rather run away.
Luckily she smiles and lets me in.

"Michael went to 7/11 like a minute ago, but he should be back soon, maybe you can wait in his room."
She gestures upstairs.
I would prefer to wait in their basement, we usually don't spent time in his room. On the other side it might be odd to ask somebody if you can go in their basement, so I just nod and go upstairs.

On Michaels Door is a red sign: 'Stay Out'. For a second I hesitate, what if he gets mad cause I crossed a line.
I enter the room anyway.

The room is really large and even though he only has a bed and cupboard, it seems pretty full.
He has tons of posters on his wall, some from our favorite games and others from musicals. I don't know many of them, but a few I recognize.

I think I saw the three girls in traffic light colors before as well as the man standing on the star or the guy with the broken arm.

Michael don't talk about them that much, I think he doesn't want to be annoying, but there is no way he could he could scare me away.

Awkwardly I stand in the middle if the room. Should I sit down on his bed? Would that be weird? Who cares!?

I want to sit down on his bed, but jump up when I feel something unter the blanket. Maybe I shouldn't look what it is, it might be personal.

Unfortunately I am way to curious. I grab under the blanket and fetch a notebook. No, Jeremy! Don't look inside, Michael probably didn't want anyone to see! Stop!

To late! I already opened the book. I read the first sentence and suddenly realize that the book in my hand is Michaels diary. I should really put it back, but I can't.

Dear Diary,

Sounds like the beginning of one of that teenie movies from the eightys.

Say there's this person you pass in the hall everyday.

This gonna be interesting...
I should feel bad for enjoying reading that!

You've known them since ever.
You're used to thinking about them in a certain way.
Then something changes and they changes.

Does... Does Michael has a crush?
Why didn't he tell me?

Look into their eyes and the sky's the limit.

Wow he seems to really like them!
Who are them?

I got no use for moonlight,
Or sappy poetry, love at first sight for suckers!

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