First Choice

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TW: Mention of Suicide

Michaels POV

I wake up from the loud arguing downstairs, like every morning.
A few months ago everything was fine.
I had my best friend Jeremy, my intact family and a home.
This house isn't a home anymore, it's a wormhole sucking away every piece of happiness that was left.

After Jeremy took this stupid pill everything went down hill. It wasn't his fault though. He wanted to be happy, who can blame him?

The night I went to the play to save him, my dad caught my mom cheating on him. Originally my dad had to work till late in the night, but the school called him after all those things happened so he bring me back home. And so we entered a house filled with moans of my mom and her boss.

She says it's my fault, if I hadn't 'caused trouble' at school, he would have never found out and we would still be a family. That's what she said and she is right. I keep messing things up.

Slowly I stand up, my head is aching from crying myself to sleep. I don't bother looking at the mirror. My bags probably got worse and my eyes redder. I feel tired and surely look like that. I haven't felt good in what feels like ages.

When I enter the kitchen silence erupts. My parents stopped fighting, some might think they don't want to do it in front of me, but I know better. I'm the enemy.
I am the one that both loathe. No matter how much they hate each other, they would always back up against me.
Cause it's my fault.

I don't bother greeting them nor eating. My eyes to the ground I run through the room to my backpack and leave to the front door. My stomach growls demanding food, but I could care less. I won't go back in there.

I often wonder why they still allow me to live there. They didn't divorced yet, because they can't decide where I should go, they know that no matter who gets me, the youth welfare office would keep their eyes on me. And then they would have to pretend they actually cared, when in real life they would pick the cat over me at any time. 

Even though I haven't had enough sleep my feet walk me to school in no time leading me from one wormhole to another. Just at the locker something cruel happens right in front of my eyes. Well... just cruel to me...
Jeremy, my best friend, stands there kissing his girlfriend lovingly.

To understand what exactly should be cruel about that scene, it should be noted that Jeremy isn't just my best friend since ever, but also my longtime crush. When we were younger we only had each other. We shared interests and secrets, when the one was going through something the other was all time ready to help. But things change...

Jeremy has other friends now and a girlfriend... We hardly see each other anymore. I saved him from this stupid thing in his head and yet all he could thing about as soon as he recovered was her. And he actually managed it... He had her... So there his time now had better use than hanging around with me. He had a Christine to make out with or he met with the cool kids, his new friends...

He needed me when he had nobody, that's over now... I never even had a chance to tell him about what was going on at home. My thoughts get interrupted by a cheerful voice to my left. 

"What'th going on, headphoneth?"

The small boy that just entered the front door walks up to me.

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