It's been a while (ending)

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Jeremys PoV

The weeks fly by and suddenly the wedding is months away. At first Michael called me pretty often, but when he understood that I would only decline he stopped completely, now there is no turning back. And this is probably better for both of us. Cause my feelings don't get away and no matter what I tried he is stuck in my head, maybe one day I would have accepted the call and then I would have been confronted with what a bad friend I really am, cause that is all I am: a terrible friend! Michael is better without me!

But life continues, I am finally able to find my way around in the big city, I try hard to avoid all the places Michael and I visited, so I won't meet him.

But this was probably not enough, just when I enter my favorite cafe I spot him... Laurens!

His curly hair tamed in a ponytail, showing his beautiful face, a face that holds a bright smile, a smile full of love. I know that smile, Michael has to be here too. John grabs two drinks from the counter so that I can see the ring he wears making my heart ache.

But I don't expect the next thing:
A small guy with long brown hair and dark brown eyes walks to him and kisses him before taking one of the drinks. What the hell??
Is he cheating on Michael??
How could he!?

"John!?" I almost shout and take a big steps towards him. He turns around and when he sees me he just gives me a weak smile. "Jeremy, right...?"
I nod, while boiling with anger.
"Can I introduce you to Alexander?"

He points at the other male before adding: "My husband."
My expression falls. "What?"
I couldn't be more confused.
"What about Michael?"

Now John looks also confused.
"You didn't knew? I left him at our wedding day! I know that is the most terrible thing possible, but I love Alex, we are meant to be!"
My head spins, I don't know what to say or even to think.
"Also I did recognize that you liked each other. I mean how couldn't I? I blind person could have noticed!"

"That's not true! He loved you!"
I almost scream backing away, but John just comes closer and pats my shoulder. With a calm voice he begins:
"Jeremy, even before you moved here, he only talked about his great best friend he had a big gay crush on and it only got 'worse' when you two started to meet again. He freaking adored you, only the way he looked at you, like you were the most important thing in the world! I was only plan b!"

I try to say something, but my voice cracks, then I run! I just run!
Out of the cafe, cross the street, through the city. I can't think straight, literally! All I want is to see Michael, to apologize, to tell him how much I love him, how much I need him and to be there for him, forever!

When I arrive at his apartment, every breath I take hurts. I never were the sporty type. With my last energy I knock at the door, when the door opens there is no Michael.

Just a tall, good build guy with no shirt. "M- Michael?"
He looks down to me, he seems pretty annoyed. "Michael isn't available." I am too late, AGAIN!

And who the fuck is this new guy? Is Michael suddenly into... greek heroes? Damn it! I wanted to insult him!

"Okay, thanks anyway!" I turn around and start to go downstairs, it's over! I am an idiot!

While I am struck in my thoughts, someone bumps into me making both of us fall down.
"Hey! Look where you... Jer?"
Right in front of me is a confused Michael looking at me with his big mesmerizing eyes, they are widened in shock, but filled with something else.... maybe sorrow...?

It only takes a few seconds for him recollect himself and stand up reaching his hand to me. Thankfully I take the offer and he helps me stand up. I want to hold on, but as soon as I stand he rips his hand away. "Thank you!" He nods shortly and starts to run past me, but I grab his arm before he can leave. "What do you want, Jeremy?" His harsh tone hurts me, but I deserved it. "I just want to talk!"
He struggles to get free "But I just want to never have to see your damned face again! Fucking leave!!"

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