A Fight

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Trigger warning: cheating, calling names

Michaels PoV

Worried I look at the clock. Jeremy promised me to be back at 10 a clock, now it is 2 am and he is still not back. Why would he do this?

We been together for an half year, he asked me in the summer holidays after the accident, he was sweet and lovely and now we share a dorm at college, it could be so perfect, everything, I mean I am still not considered cool, even here, but that is okay, cause Jeremy treated me no different.

Today he went to that party of some other popular kids, I didn't wanted to go cause it would only bring back bad memories. I also didn't wanted to worry him about that and ruin his excitement, so I told him I had to write a essay till next week, it worked.

But, why wasn't he back already?
That doesn't seems like Jeremy.

Maybe I should look for him, maybe he had a accident and was hurt or worse.

So I start walking to the address I found on the party flyer Jeremy forgot on his nightstand. I only walked like 10 minutes when I heard loud and disharmonious music. I want to run away instantly, this is awful, but I have to find Jeremy!

Entering the house I am hit by a terrible smell, something between alcohol, sweat and weed.
Don't get me wrong I smoke as well, it is just a weird mixture.

I am looking around, there are a lot of people I don't know, but that isn't surprising since I don't know many people in general. I walk around, fighting my way through the crowd while my heart starts to rage.
I never liked big crowds and all those memories are making it even harder for me.

In the kitchen I finally see a familiar face, it is Rich making out with some guy, relieved I walk to him and tip his shoulder, overtaken he turns around, but relaxes as he sees my face.

"Michael!? What are you doing here?"
He have to yell otherwise I couldn't here him.

"Hi Rich, Hi Jake, sorry for interrupting you guys! You are really cute, but I am looking for Jeremy, he was supposed to be home like 4 hours ago!" Rich silently blushes, but also looks like he is in a fret.

"You are still a couple?" Jack asks, sounding alarmed, I am pretty confused. Why would he ask that?

I just nod and Richjake is sharing a worried gaze. "What is going on Rich? Where is Jeremy?"

Why the fuck aren't they answering my question!? It is not that hard!
I feel like I would collapse every second.

"Michael, lithten..."

Rich seems sorry and anxious, Jake noticed that as well and helps his ...lover, crush, boyfriend or whatever they are.

"What Rich wanted to say, we maybe know where he is, but I don't know if you really want to..."

This is too much, my anxiety, the crowd, them hiding something, it is just to much, so I explode.


Jake instantly grabs Rich and pulls him close to him, before I could hurt him, that would be so cute if I wasn't angry as hell.

"Upstairs, second door on the right side!"

My heart rate starts raising. As fast as possible I rush upstairs. I take a deep breath before opening the door.
What I see there breaks my heart!

"Jer.. What are you doing...? Is that Christine?" The world around me went silent, everything I see is blurry. But too my bad my view is clear enough to see my lovely Boyf entangled with his ex chrush laying on the king size bed. Why would he do that?

"Get out, Michael! You're ruining everything!" I am ruining everything? I am saving him, else he would make a big mistake while he is drunk af.

"Jeremy, you are drunk. Come with me, we go home!"

He just laughs, almost vicious, then he turns away from me and starts to make out with Christine again, my heart shatters and I want to cry and hide away, but I can't leave him right now.

"Jeremy, i know you are drunk and you can't think straight, or more than ever..."

Gosh, Michael, this isn't the time for puns!

"...but please, please remember, you are Jeremy Heere and you are my lovely boyf and we love each other! Please come with me!"

He freezes and slowly stands up, my heart slows down, everything is fine. He stops right in front of me, looking in my eyes.

"Why would I love someone like you?

Christine, lets find another place!"

I don't know what to do, I can't move, the love of my pathetic life treated me like shit, maybe I wasn't worth him, maybe I am nit worth anything.

"Get out my way, loser!"

I break down crying!

So you got what you always wanted
So you got your dream come true
Good for you!

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