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Michael 10:23 PM
Hey Jeremy, there is a lot going on at the moment and I have to get this off my chest... so I just text you everything that is going on my mind... That's good... maybe... I think some part of me hopes that you will read this and another part screams at that part for being stupid... Why?
Because the first part actually thinks that you could like me... like... romantically...

I don't know if that's even news to you... But I like you!
Actually you were the one making me realize that I might not be straight. I guess... I should thank you for that!
I think I might be even in love with you!

I just liked you for so long that I am tired...

I would to everything for you! You didn't even had to ask... Sometimes you are the most stubborn person I ever met... And I hate that... It drives me crazy, but you just have to smile and everything is forgotten and when you laugh I fall a bit more for you, every single time.

But then you talked about how much you like Christine and I was heartbroken... So I tried to push my feelings away, but there was still something holding me back from moving on.

And then you said you were confused and maybe liked guys and the hope came back...
But then you wondered if you are into Jake and it was heart wrecking...

Imagine someone you thought could never love you, cause they liked the other gender, then it's not on you that they don't like you, but then they actually like guys... and you are still not interesting... you are just not enough...

This is stupid... I shouldn't tell you that... It's probably super creepy... I am sorry... I hope we can continue normally after that... Because I can definitely get over it completely if it meant to still be your best friend, cause that is the most important thing for me... being friends with you

I just want an end to this... maybe if you reject me, I could be finally be able to move on...

I want you to be happy! But I want a end to this guessing and hoping... it's breaking me...

(Message read: 10:24)

Jeremy 11:02
I'm sorry. I don't feel the same.

Jeremy 11:02
I don't think we should stay friends...

Michael 11:03
I figured...

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