Evan (End)

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While lying crying on the floor, I forgot about Evan and I feel so guilty.
I know now that he won't replace Jeremy and never could and that I should stop trying to convince myself that he could, but he is still a good friend. He probably waited in the park for forever.

Some part of me is telling me not to go to school, to run away from my problems. I wouldn't have to apologize to Evan, I wouldn't have to face Jeremy, or even worse Jeremy and Christine. And kissing and cuddling and those stupid nicknames.

But I can't run away forever, I have to be strong, even if it's just for once.

I decided against the car, so I am walking to school, thinking about everything that went wrong the last year and what I am going to tell Evan.
What if he likes me? What if he hate me after I forgot about him.

I arrived right when the first lesson started. Sneaking in I see that Evan already had another desk neighbor. A tall, skinny guy with long brown hair dressed completely in black.
Isn't that Connor?

Connor was also considered a loser, but he never talks to anyone, not even other losers like me and (in the past) Jeremy.
But there he was next to Evan, talking and smiling.

I never saw that guy smiling before.
Maybe I should be jealous, cause a blind person could see how Evan adored the guy in front him, but I want him to be happy and I knew that we weren't meant to be.

On the other side I need a new seat. I look around, my eyes landing on the last empty seat in the whole class, right next to Jeremy.

My heart freezes. No! That could not be! Where is Christine?! I can't sit next to him!

The teacher gets impatiently and orders me to sit down, I don't have a choice, so I sit down next to Him.

He looks to me, forcing a small smile.
God, why do I have such bad luck?

"Hey, Michael!" He just whispers, so the teacher won't hear him.

I ignore him, I don't want to talk, I am not a token, I won't play along, none of his games will work.

After a few more tries he finally gives up. After class I leave as fast as possible. The next few hours I meet neither Evan nor Jeremy.

At lunch I sit down on our table, Jeremy and Christine left the table already two weeks ago, I don't know where they spent their breaks, but I really don't want to know.

Evan comes a few minutes later, Connor right behind him.

"Hey, Evan I am so sorry. I had a shitty day and I know that this isn't a excuse, but I forgot you, I don't know how to make that up, but I want you to know that I am really sorry!"

God, I sound so pathetic.
But Evan just smiles and sits down across the table facing me. He pats the seat next to him inviting Connor to sit down, what he relieved does.

"No, I am sorry.
I heard the rumor that Jeremy and you fought yesterday after class and I should had been there for you, called you and asked why you weren't coming and if you're okay!
Bye the way, are you okay?"

God, what have I done to deserve someone like him!

He is amazing and I don't want to lie to him, but I don't want to face my problems with Jeremy right now.

"We could also go outside, just the two of us, if you don't want to talk about it in public!"

I glance to Connor who looks like a lost puppy, he would be alone if we would leave, like always and I know how it feels to be alone.

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