Broken Heart (End)

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"I feel like being your boyfriend isn't enough for me anymore!"

Did you ever heard something that broke you? Just a few words, powerful enough to make your mind go blank, not being able to think anything. You just stand there, no feeling, no emotions, nothing.

Before suddenly everything comes back to you. Reality returns and tackles you down.

This happened to me before, I won't break down right now, not here, not in front of him. "I-I understand... bye!" I mutter before storming off.

Through the balcony door, the living room, the hall, the staircase and finally out of the house. I heard his steps and calls behind me, but I don't care. I just run and cry.

At first I don't know where to go and wander around headless.
Then like a flash it hit me... Connor!

Connor and I met in high school, some days, when everything became to much I sneaked out in the lunch break to get high, there I met him.
He did the same and we had actually a lot in common, we were outsiders/loser, smoked weed and were helplessly in love with our best friend.

But his best friend had a major crush on his sister, what is even more fucked up than the whole Jeremy/Christine- thing.

So we started talking and even now we still are in contact, he is engaged to his former best friend and crush and he only lives like two or three blocks away.

And the best part is that I never introduced him to Jeremy, I don't know why, there was just never the right moment, but right now I am really happy about that.
He wouldn't find me or call me there, I wouldn't have to hear is excuse.

I don't want to know that he is sorry or even the reasons of his stupid decision, I don't want to hear about any other person he met or who knows what... Right now I just want to cry and therefor I have to go to Connor, I hope he understands...

When I arrive at their apartment my cheeks are flooded with tears. I spot the bell and ring like my life depends on it. A few seconds later I hear Evans voice through the inter phone.
"H-Hello, w-who's there?"

At first I sob instead of talking, but eventually I get out words. "M-Michael... I-I..." But before I can finish, Evan interrupts me: "Hey- deep breaths, just breathe! Connor comes!"
Hearing his kind words make me only break down more and I start sobbing uncontrollably. Just a few seconds later Connor opens the door engulfing me in a hug. He is warm and the affection feels good, but all I can do is cry.

He doesn't say a word, he knows that I don't need words, I just need someone to hold me and he does exactly that.

After a few minutes, which felt only like seconds and were definitely not enough, he lets go, takes my hand instead and pulls me inside. He immediately places me on the couch gesturing something to Evan who leaves the room.

Connor sits down next to me pulling me close again while patting my back. It calms me down, but before I can relax everything comes back. Jeremy, his words, the pain.

Five Years, we have been together for five freaking years.
Years full of laughing, smiling, waking up next to him and love.
At any time I loved him more than anything. His hair, his eyes, his laugh, his smile, the cute noises he makes when he sleeps, the little screams when we watched horror movies, the way his eyes lit up when he talked about something he loved. I loved fucking everything about him and he was always my priority.

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