Royal AU (Part 2)

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The hours fly by and I have actually a lot fun. Brooke and I can talk about everything, it is just so easy to talk to someone who grow up just like me, who has the same problems and is by the way one of the nicest persons ever. After a while the heat of the ballroom gets to much and we decide to go outside, but just when we almost entered the garden a guard runs after us. "Wait! Prince! You can't leave!" He shouts and we instantly start to run, giggling like we gone crazy.

I lead her to my favorite place in the garden. It is really beautiful with roses and a weeping willow, Michael and I spent a lot of time there in the summer. I feel sorrow thinking back of those times. Brooke almost walked in the wrong direction, so I grab her hand and pull her along.

When we pass the last corner I stop in shock. Right there, at MY favorite place, stand Rich and Michael. The haven't noticed us yet. It seems like they are arguing, at least Rich talks constantly and Micheal shakes his head. The situation seems to escalate, Rich almost shouts at my best friend while a angry expression forms on his face. Seeing this, I get also angry, no one has the right to shout at him, not even my father.

But before I can interfere, Rich's face softens and he suddenly grabs Michaels hand stroking his cheek with the other one. My stomach hurts and I want to cry on the spot. Brooke squeezes my hand and tries to pull me back where we came from, but it is already to late, Rich leans in and connects his lips with the one who of my crush. Tears form in my eyes and I let out a yelp. Shit.

Michael and Rich turn around in shock. Shit, shit, shit. But Brooke saves the situation. "Ouch, Jer, honey, you stepped on my foot." The she faces the other two giving them a perfect trained apologetic smile. I look at her, I just can't to face Michael right now, I wouldn't be able to hold back the tears. "I am soo sorry, we did not wanted to interrupt, we just looked for a place to be alone!" Then she winked at them, before turning around to me. Then she puts her arm around my neck pulling me closer while giggling like one of those stupid spoiled princesses, she is an amazing actor. She leans closer till our faces are just an inch apart, but instead of kissing me she whispers. "Play along!"

I pick up the pieces of my broken heart and try to return the grin as good as possible. "And this is exactly what we are going to continue." I grab her hand and run back to where we came from, this was to much. I hear her giggle again, but at the moment I am not able to hold back anything.

I sob loudly letting the tears flow down my face. Brooke stops me and wipes them away looking at me with sorrow. "I am so sorry!" I can't return anything, I just stand there and cry like a baby, the future king is crying like a baby. I am miserable.

I feel her arms around me, she hugs me as tight as possible, surprisingly it really helps. A minute later I calmed down enough to talk again.
"I-it's just... it hurts. I- I love him with all I got! He's the love of my life. I will never love someone else!" I break down again. "Hey, hey, deep breaths!" She rubs my back. "I am sure you will!"

"No, no! He was always there, he is kind and nice, he never complains even when my father treated him like shit and he has always been there for me! He is perfect!"

Brooke take deep breaths before she says: "I wouldn't know what I would do if Chloe would .... do this!"
I look at her, she is such a nice persons, full of sympathy.
"I- it's just..." Some more tears drop down. "-i don't want to marry some stupid princess and watch Michael being with someone else!"

She doesn't respond, so we just stand there, hugging while I keep sobbing. Suddenly she jumps a bit, I yelp surprised. "I got it!"

I look at her in confusion. "You got what?" I wipe my tears away and look at her in

"We marry!"

"Sorry, WHAT?"

Instead of explaining the situation, she gets down on one knee, obviously not caring about her probably million dollar dress. Than she raises her arm in a really cheesy way.

"Prince Jeremy, will you marry me?"

I look at her in disbelief, has she gone insane?
"The Fuck, no!"

She giggles: "Language!"
What the hell is going on. I have no clue what the hell she's up to.

"You know I love Michael!"

She stands up, rolls her eyes and gives me a look like she's done with the world. "No shit, sherlock!"
Sarcasm!? I have a real big problem and she uses sarcasm??

"And I love Chloe, but think about it. No matter what, we both have to marry someone royal and we both already love other people, so why don't just the both of us marry? No romantic feelings, no sexual intercourse, nothing, just friendship! Aaand I could still be with my love!"

Her eyes almost sparkle. The longer I think about it, the more I like the idea. And most important her idea get Michael off of my mind.
"That's great! You are a genius!"

She laughs and nods in agreement.
"Is that a yes?" I return a big fat smile. "Yes!"

"I am so happy about this, I could kiss you, but like, you know, nohetero!"
I laugh as well and she gives me a peck on the cheek. Before I can say anything else, she pulls me back to the ball room. "Let's tell our parents!"

When we arrive I spot Rich dancing with some other guy, a pretty handsome one. Tall, muscular, brown hair and expensive clothes, probably a prince as well. But where is Michael?

However! I lead Brooke with me through all the people till we stop right in front of my father.
"Your highness!" I say and bow down. Brooke does the same. My father takes her hand and kisses it.
"Hello Jer, who is the nice lady with you?" He winks at me.

"Princess Brooke!" He faces her again, giving her a warm smile, it is real, but not because he is nice or something like that. He is just happy that I actually follow his orders.

"Well, Princess, you look stunning! A woman worth a prince like my son!"
If I could I would slap him, right here in front of everyone, but I have to behave. Brooke on the other side just puts on her bright fake smile.

"Thank you, your majesty!" Before the awkwardness of this situation continues, I pull my father away.

"Father, I want to marry her!" He smiles at my as if he was proud, if he knew the truth he would kick me out instantly. Then his face lit up and he raises one finger as if he remembered something. "Come with me!"

He turns around and leaves the ballroom, leading me to some hallway. Even after being raised here I don't remember this one. It is dark and there are no pictures at the walls, at the end is a big brown wooden door. Now I am hundred percent sure that I haven't been here before. My father opens the door with caution, then signals me to go in following close after me.

What's inside steals my breath, there are books, and dresses and a lot of paintings. All of them beautiful paintings, but one catches my eye.

It shows a field of sunflowers on a sunny day. A small child is playing between the flowers. I know that picture. I know that kid! It's me!

"Mom, drew this!" My father is suddenly right next to me patting my shoulder. "She drew all of them. Everything in this room was hers."

I look around tears forming in my eyes. She was the sun herself, but she died when I was small, it gets harder to remember her every time I try to. But seeing those things make her so real, I want to cry, I want to hug my dad, but I can't. We are not that close, so I just stand there.

"Why are we here!" My father jumps a bit as if he were in trance, then he goes to a drawer and opens it.

He comes back with a closed fist.
"Open your hand, son!" He commends and I obey. He let two small rings fall into my hands. I look at them closer.

Although they were pretty old, they were beautiful. "Mine and your mothers!" He smiles sadly at me.
"If you think that woman makes you happy than propose to her, tomorrow, in the garden, with those rings!"

"I will!" and I did.

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