Broken heart

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Michaels PoV

Today is going to be a good day, no, an amazing day! Jeremy and I have been together for five years.

FIVE years! I remember the moment he told me he loved me as if it was yesterday. He and Christine broke up and when I wanted to cheer him up, he told me that he wanted it too, cause, he loved me! Me, Michael Mell, the loser, the loner, his best friend and the probably luckiest person ever, cause his best friend and long time crush returned his feelings.

When we graduated college we decided to move together, in our on apartment. Now I can wake up to most beautiful person in this freaking world everyday! It is like a dream come true.

But the last few days Jeremy acted strange, he was kinda absently and self-contained. Maybe something at his workplace bothered him. I try to not think about it as much as possible, today is our anniversary. It will be just the two of us.
Nobody or nothing will come between us, it is supposed to be a perfect day.

I just got some groceries I needed for the dinner. I cook and then we eat, on our balcony, in our apartment, no OUR HOME. Just perfect.

I already wear a neat shirt and my best jeans, after the cooking I will try on a suit, but for now this has to be enough.

I open the door to the apartment and hear Jeremys voice in our bedroom, so I try to close the door as quiet as possible. He is probably on the phone and I don't want to disturb him and now I also can surprise him.

I tiptoe to the room, surprisingly without making any noises and stop at the door, when I hear his voice. It is really serious. That's strange!
I know I shouldn't do it, but I can't help and start to listen.

"No, I don't think he has any suspicions!"

Who is he talking about? Probably about his work. I shouldn't worry!

"Yeah, of course! I will call you after I told him!"

He is my boyfriend, he wouldn't keep a secret from me! He is not like that!
It is just some colleague of him.

"Yeah, love you!"

Or not...? Maybe it was his dad? It sure was! I don't have any reason to doubt him or our relationship, it's perfect!

Hearing that he ended the call I take a big step away from the door just a few seconds before he opens it, just in time.

He shrinks shortly when he sees me, well I suppose my ninja-tiptoe-skills get better.

"Michael! You frightened me! When did you came home!" His voice is almost harsh and he didn't made a joke about me spy talent like he usually does. Did I do something wrong?

"I'm... sorry, I thought I could surprise you. It was never on my mind to scare you." I answer quietly and apologetic.

Finally a small smile appears on his face. "I know! It's j- I'm sorry... I'm just really worn out." His voice has now a softer tone, but he sounds tired. Something is definitely off.

"No, it's fine, I understand, I won't do it again..." I try to not sound hurt, but it's kinda hard, I am just a really sensible person...

"...maybe we should just cancel the whole thing today!" I quickly turn around, but he stops me when I try to walk away.

"No, no, we won't cancel anything!" He spins me back around looking softly at my face, than my body up and down.
"You dressed way to good for just Netflix and Chill!" He said smirking.

I return the smirk before turning and walking away: "I wish I could say the same about you!" I giggle when I hear his sound of disapproval.

I start cooking by myself, I make selfmade pizza, it reminds me of the days when this was the only thing we ate because we were too lazy to actually make something, so we just ordered pizza and played video games. And it is also a lot of fun to make them together. Well, after it the kitchen always looks like a battlefield and we are coated in food, but we are happy.

Nonetheless the minutes pass by and Jeremy isn't in sight. Even after I put it in the oven, he doesn't appear. I guess I will finish the rest of the dinner by myself as well.

One hour later all dishes are ready and I balance them on my arms to the table. I almost let it drop twice, but I eventually make it to the living room, which leads to the balcony, and there is Jeremy in a suit sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand. It looks like he texted someone, but he stopped when I entered the room.

Something inside of me wanted to be pissed, he could have just helped me making the pizza, but he probably just knew that cooking was my thing and didn't want to disturb me.

At last he now gets up to take one of the plates and carry it.

"It smells amazing!" He says smiling.
Maybe this evening can still be great!

"Thank you! Only the best for you!" I wink at him. We enter the balcony and  place everything. I sit down and just then notice a little present on the table. "Is this for me?" I ask excited.

Jeremy nods: "It's just something small, but I hope you like it."
Bursting from joy I rip the paper apart. It was a new strap for my guitar.

"Er- Thank you" I say hoping that he won't he the disappointment in my voice. Don't get me wrong it is nice, but it's our anniversary, I just hoped for something a bit more... romantic.

"Can we eat?" He eagerly asks. "Sure..." We quietly start to eat, it tastes good, but there is some tension between us. We don't talk for like ten minutes, but it feels like centuries. Trying to break the ice, I begin: "Do you like the pizza? I specially put-", but before I can finish, he interrupts me by standing abruptly up. I look up to him, I am almost terrified. What is going on.

He takes a deep breath and then says: "I can't do this anymore, we have to talk!"

No, no, no! That is never a good sign. I slightly start shaking. This can't be happening!
He doesn't even look at me while he continues:

"I feel like being your boyfriend isn't enough for me anymore!"

My world breaks

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