Evan (Part 1)

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Michaels PoV

It's been three weeks since the play and two weeks ago Christine asked Jeremy to be her boyfriend. Of course he accepted, why shouldn't he. He loved just as much as I love him.

Since then he forgot about me, sure we saw each other at lunch, but he only talked or made out with Christine. In class they sat together and after school they went to rehearsal or on dates.

And I was as lonely as before while watching my crush and best friend being happy.

Yeah, I wanted him to be happy, but it felt kinda line "Optic nerve blocking" and that was terrible.

One day in class the teacher announces that there is a new student, I look up out of curiosity when this amazingly cute boy walks in.

He is a bit smaller than me and has fawn hair and looks to the ground. He seems really shy. I instantly like him.

He wears a blue striped shirt and when he looks up I can see that the shirt matches his eye color.
He has beautiful blue eyes, just like Jeremy.

I was so distracted by checking him out that I missed his name, too bad
I pray that he sits down next to me, now that Jeremy sits next to Christine I am so lonely.

"You can sit next to Michael!" The teacher points at me and I smile brightly. The new boy looks at me and flushes, what makes my cheeks heat up. I slowly makes his way to me and sits down.

"Hi, I am Michael, Michael Mell and I am sorry, what was your name again. I think I missed it!"
His smile falters a bit.
"I'm Evan, Hansen, but you don't have to talk to me. I know I'm no one of the popular students!" He looks down again.

"But I want to! I am an outcast myself! And by the way you seem nice and you are really handsome!" I kinda regret saying that, now he probably knows that I am gay and don't want to be friends with me anymore.

But instead he looks directly in my eyes and smiles. My cheeks turn red.
"Thank you! You too! Why would a guy like you be an outcast?"
I giggle noiseless, gosh, he is so innocent.

"Oh, dunno, I guess it us something between me being a geek and being gay!"
His eyes light up.
"Cool, I am bisexual!"
I don't know why but this sentence made me really happy.

We talked the whole lessons even when the teacher scolded us.
At lunch I sit down next to Jeremy and Christine like always, but something is different. Jeremy looks annoyed, but forces a fake smile when he sees me. "Hey Michael!" Is he really really talking to me while Christine is there?

He smiles a bit brighter and almost real. What is going on?
"So, you and the new kid are getting along?" I am more than confused.
"Yeah! Evan is really nice and funny. And cute!"

I think Jeremys expression turned mad for a moment, but I could be wrong, cause now there is this stupid fake smile again.

"H-hey M-Michael!"
I hear a voice and turn around, then I see Evan. Suddenly there is an odd feeling down in stomach. But it feels good.
"Hey, buddy, wanna sit with us?"

His face lights up and he looks like a little child when it gets a lollipop. Damn it, he is so adorable. When I met Jer, he looked the same, every time I told him that he could visit me. I miss those days.
I introduce Evan to the others and while Christine is her friendly and kind self, Jeremy acts like an idiot.
He won't even look at him.
What is wrong with him?

"S-so Jer-remy, how l-long have you and Michael been f-friends?"
Evan seems to have problems with talking to strangers or groups, I feel honored he didn't stuttered when we talked in class.

"Twelve Years! We are best friends! Nothing or nobody can come between us! Especially no anxious little nerd!"

Then he looks at Evan for the first time, an almost wicked smile on his face. Evan got the wink and looks down, he is probably hurt. Before I can say something, Evan gets up and runs away.

My blood boils, I could stab Jeremy.
"Asshole!", is all I can say, then I follow Evan.

I finally find him under a big tree in the school yard.
"Hey, I am so sorry for him! I don't know why he is acting line that! Normally he is different!"
Normally? No! Maybe before the squip....

"ItisfineItwasmyfault,youtwoseemprettycloseThereisnospaceforme!Nowhereisspaceforme", he says, while he starts shaking and crying! My heart drops. I don't know what to do, so I just hug him and he hugs back. It feels so good.

"Hey, everything is fine! Just take deep breaths!" I try to speak as calm as possible while petting his head. His breathing rate slows down, while I pull him closer. When we were younger Jeremy had these breakdowns as well, so I know how to act. To distract and calm him I start talking:

"To be honest, Jeremy isn't a good friend at the moment at all..."
So I tell him everything about the squip incident, my crush on him and Christine. After that I feel much better.

Evan looks up to me with his blue eyes like a puppy. "Thank you for telling me this! It was probably hard for you, but you trusted me even if we don't know each other for more than a few hours!"

O, right, I totally forgot that fact.
"Yeah, I do, it feels like I have known you for years!"
Evan nods and lays his head on my chest. In this moment I realise that we are still hugging and that I don't want it to stop.

"Dear Evan Hansen, today is going to be a good day! And you know why?"

Evan giggles: "Why?"

"Because from now on we have each other!"

Evan signs happily, his head still on my chest, but somehow I feel that he is smiling.

"I would like that!"

-----------~~*Authors Note*~~-----------

You probably won't read that, but if you do, what are your opinions on MichaelxEvan?

I kinda ship it because Evan is kinda similar to Jeremy, they have some things in common, so I could imagine Michael having a thing for him...

What do you think?

Bye, Jo ;)

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