Chapter 1

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AN: This is my first Lashton story, so go easy on me. Everything is gonna be a mix of US and AUS, so... yeah. Bear with me. Enjoy, you Lashton shippers.


Why is he so goddamn cute?

Isn't it illegal to be this attractive?

From what world is this sexy beast from?

God, why are you testing me?

I swear, if I had ovaries, they'd explode.

On the first day of school I was sitting at a table with my friend, Michael, in the morning when I saw a blond boy with a lip ring walk by me along with another lad with dark brown hair. I was in the middle of talking when my eyes landed on the blond lad. I stopped everything that I was doing and just stared at him as he went by. He didn't notice me since he was talking to the other guy, and I'm a bit glad he didn't, because he would've been weirded out by my staring.

Oh, my God. He was so fucking cute. Like, his hair was all spiked up perfectly at the front. I have a thing for that kind of hair. Strange fetish, I know. I didn't really get a good look at his eyes, but whatever shade of color they are, they must be hella beautiful. His upper body was thin, yet muscular, and I love the way his black skinny jeans clung to his legs; it really made his ass look cute. Not like I was staring at that. Pfft, what?

And that lip ring. Oh, don't get me fucking started, but you talked me into it. It adds a minor rebellious trait to him, and it's freaking sexy. I wish I knew more about him. Maybe finding out his name would be a good start. I could either go up and ask him or go into stalking mode.

I think I'll go with the second choice. Good job, Ash, the first time you'll be stalking a guy. If I do find information about him I should join the ASIS.

"Ash?" I heard Michael call out. I shook my head and brought my attention back to him.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"What about Friday's concert?" I raised an eyebrow.

"What concert?"

"The one you were talking abou-"

"Oh! Right!" I was just telling Michael about a concert that my other friend, Harry, and his band, One Direction, were having at the park nearby the school. It's fifteen dollars for students and faculty members of our school, and twenty for everyone else. Five extra bucks for backstage passes. But since Harry's my friend, he gave me two tickets and backstage passes for free! The perks of having a band member as a friend.

I met Harry back in our first year of high school when he just transferred from England. We hit it off right away and we've been close friends ever since. He's told me about his dream of playing at sold out concerts and becoming the greatest artist in all of music history. He formed a band with three other lads from England and one from Ireland, and together they sound amazing. They're starting out small, but for a band that just formed two months ago, they're off to a good start.

"So, Harry is playing at the park behind the school. He gave me two tickets and two backstage passes, no charge. Wanna come with me?"

"Seriously?" Michael asked with wide eyes.

"No kiddin'. The tickets are right in my backpack."

"Sure. I have no plans this Friday, anyway." I pulled my backpack onto my lap and began taking out a ticket and a pass, handing it to Michael. He took it from my hand and stuffed it into his backpack. "So, did you enjoy checking out the guy?"

I stared at Michael quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb. I saw you starin' at the blond kid. He is rather cute."

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