Chapter 31

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The four of us were currently in my room, chatting. Well, more like just sitting around doing nothing. Michael was texting someone, Calum was just watching him, and I was sitting on the bed. Luke was lying on his back and his head was on my lap. One hand played with his hair while the other was intertwined with his hand.

"Harry texted me," Michael said. "He's asking if Luke and Calum would like to join Louis tomorrow at the park to play some football. We're invited as well."

"Yeah, I'll go," Luke replied, looking at Michael before turning his head back up to me.

"I'm okay with it," Calum said, shrugging. "I've got nothing planned tomorrow, anyway. Plus I've got no homework."

"... Oh, my God, I have homework," I groaned. I carefully slid from underneath Luke and stood up. "Where did I put my school stuff?"

"How should I know?" Michael shrugged. "Good luck finding your stuff."

Thank you for the help, Michael. Note the sarcasm.

"I saw a bunch of things piled on a couch in the living room," Calum spoke up. "They might be what you're looking for."

"Calum is so much better than Mikey will ever be," I said, sticking my tongue out at Michael. He imitated my action and then I walked out of the room.

Once I got to the living room I saw that my stuff were in fact on the couch. Thank you, Calum. I began collecting them in my arms. Once I got to hold them all I turned around, but I ended up yelping and dropping my stuff.

I brought a hand up to my mouth, because that small scream was unmanly on so many levels.

Luke began laughing, "Did I scare you?"

"Yeah, you did!" I yelled, smacking him forehead. "Don't sneak up on me like that."

"I wasn't. You just didn't acknowledge the fact that I was silently following you."

"Idiot." I leaned down and began gathering my belongings again. Luke then held out my backpack to me and I looked up at him.

"Just throw everything in here," Luke told me. "It's easier to carry that way."

I smiled, "Thanks, Luke."

"Okay, Michael handed it to me and told me to go with you, so that's what I did."

"So you didn't come here, because you wanted to?"

"I would've went anyway." He set my backpack down and pulled me up. I had unwarily dropped my things and Luke sat on the couch, bringing me on top of him so that I was straddling him. He leaned in towards me and kissed my lips quickly before nuzzling his nose against mine.

"You seem to enjoy doing this a lot," I said to him, "showing affection and whatever."

"Mhm," he hummed. "I just want you to know how much I love you."

"You also have a funny way of showing it sometimes, because you seem a little too happy right now." Luke laughed before he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. "Okay, I need to work on homework now. If I don't finish it today, then I won't be able to go with you to the park tomorrow."

Luke frowned, but he released me. I stood up and he did as well.

"I wish there was no such thing as homework," he mumbled. "It's the stupidest thing to ever be invented." I laughed and patted his head. I shoved everything in my backpack and then the both of us headed up to my room.

When we got there Michael and Calum had moved themselves to my bed. Calum was lying down on my bed while Michael was sitting on the edge.

"Okay, I'm going to start on homework, I guess," I mumbled, bringing my stuff over to my desk.

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