Chapter 38

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Lunch finally came around and Harry met me by my Econ class. Why is he so determined to do this? It's stupid. Why couldn't he just get someone else to do it? There are so many flaws to this plan.

Michael told me that he'd be sitting with Calum today, so I was currently alone with Harry until the other three show up.

"This is stupid, Harry," I groaned, leaning my head against my arm. "You know that, right?"

"Whatever it takes to see if Louis even cares," was his only response.

"Can't you get a hot girl? A girl is a whole lot better looking than I am."

"True, about the appearance, but I already made up my mind."

"I should at least tell Luke. If he sees us acting all lovey-dovey when we're far from that before I tell him anything, he'd be upset with you and me."

"How about this?" Harry moved from his spot across the table to sit beside me. Then he began whispering. "We won't do anything."

"Good idea. Don't do anything."

"I meant, we'll just hang out like usual."

"Problem is, he won't be jealous that way. Remember, he knows about me and Luke."

"See, you understand me."

I shook my head. "No. No, I don't." Harry huffed before burying his face into his hands.

"Even though he's aware of your and Luke's relationship, he'd still get jealous, if you were with me. Hopefully."

"Your logic makes no sense, but whatever." I glanced over at the table where Michael and Calum were, hoping to see Luke, but he wasn't there and I also noticed that neither was Aleisha. I wonder if they're with each other right now.

They're just friends. They're nothing more than friends. Luke likes me, so there's nothing to worry about.

That's what Louis would be telling himself when he sees me and Harry.

I can sort of see what Harry means now, but not that clearly. Even though Louis knows that Harry likes him, what if he were to feel jealous seeing me and Harry together? Would he even be?

"I'll be right back," I told Harry, standing up from my spot and going over to Calum.

I tapped Calum on the shoulder and he looked up at me.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Do you know where Luke is?"

"Um, no... Oh, wait! Yeah, I do! He's in English right now. We were working on an assignment and he told me he had to stay back and finish it. He has Mr. White. You know where his class is?"

"Yeah, thanks." Calum just nodded before turning back to Michael and they were both engaged in their conversation once again. I turned around and started heading off, but not before glancing over at Harry who was looking back at me as well. I looked away from him, going to the English classes.

I got to the English classes and found Mr. White's room, peeking through the window to see the teacher sorting some papers at his desk. I opened the door and looked around the classroom, only to find that it was empty.

"Do you need something?" asked the teacher. I glanced over at him and gave him a weak smile.

"I, uh, was wondering if Luke Hemmings was here?" I said a little too quietly. However, Mr. White heard me anyway.

"Oh, Mr. Hemmings left a little while ago. He's probably out in the lunch area right now." Damn it. I just missed him. I thanked the teacher and started making my way back to the lunch place. I probably passed by him on my way to his class. I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings anyway.

When I got back to the lunch area I made my way over to Luke and Calum's table but stopped in my tracks.

The table was just like how it was before I left: no Luke and no Aleisha.

Mr. White said that Luke left not too long ago. It shouldn't take him that long to get here, unless he took a detour.

I was going to go back to Calum and ask him if he could text Luke, but I was suddenly pulled back and thrown against the wall. Air was forced out of me and then I looked up to see whom it was.

"Go away," I hissed, seeing that it was Mason. "I don't have time for you. I need to find Luke." I started to leave, but then he shoved something into my hands and walked off. What the hell was that about?

I looked down at my hand to see what he put in it.

Oh, would you look at that. My phone battery. What a shame. I don't have my phone with me right now. I stuffed that into my pocket and started going over to Calum.

"Calum," I spoke, but he was too busy laughing with Michael to hear me. Michael looked up from the brunet, poked him, and then pointed at me. Calum turned and just smiled.

"Did you find him?" he asked.

"Your teacher said that he left the classroom a little bit before I arrived."

"Well, he's not here."

"Where's Aleisha?"

"How should I know? She's probably with her group of friends or something." Or she could be with Luke.

"Can you text Luke?"

Calum groaned, resting his elbows on the table and rubbing circles into his temples. "The day I forget my phone is the day someone actually wants to use it. Is there something important you need to tell him? Maybe if I see him I can give him a message."


"Ashton!" I turned around and saw Harry coming over to me. "Niall just texted Louis. I know where he's going to be today and you're coming with."

"Is it too late to back out now?" I questioned. Harry frowned.

"You said you'd do it. Look, we're just going together while Louis's around, that's all. I need to give you some more details. Come with me to my locker?"

I stole one last glance at Calum who decided it was a good idea to leave with Michael while I was talking to Harry. The table was empty now and I sighed.

"Whatever," I mumbled. "Maybe I'll see Luke on the way."

"Why? What happened to him?"

"That's what I don't know, but am going to find out."

As Harry and I left to his locker he was talking about how his plan's going to work. Niall said that Louis was going to Starbucks with Eleanor before they'll go to the mall and buy whatever the hell they're going to get. I swear, if anything goes wrong with this plan (and something WILL go wrong), I'm going to send Harry six feet underground.

On our way to Harry's locker I spotted Ben walking with some of his friends. I left Harry and ran over to Ben, grabbing him by the shoulders.

"Whoa, okay!" he exclaimed, surprised by my sudden action. His friends had stopped walking, because I pulled Ben to the side.

"Please tell me you have some way of contacting Luke!" I pretty much begged. Ben slowly removed my hands from him and he told me to relax.

"I'll see if I can call him." He pulled out his phone and started tapping on it and bringing it up to his ear. He leaned against the wall and wrapped an arm around him, tapping his foot impatiently.

After a while he sighed and put his phone away. "Nothing," he said and I hung my head. "Hey, maybe you'll see him around." He patted my back before he went back over to his friends and walked away.

"What was that about?" Harry asked as he came by my side.

"Nothing," I muttered. "Let's just go already." Harry just nodded and then we headed for his locker, but we were at a slower pace than before, because of me.

All I could think was, where the hell did Luke go?

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